Aberystwyth University academics honoured by Welsh Academy

Professor Glyn Hewinson, Sêr Cymru II STAR Chair & Director of the Centre of Excellence for Bovine Tuberculosis – one of five Aberystwyth University academics to be elected as Fellow of the Learned Society of Wales this year.
29 April 2020
Five Aberystwyth University academics are among the new entrants to the Learned Society of Wales’ Fellowship.
The new Fellows from Aberystwyth University are:
- Professor Glyn Hewinson, Sêr Cymru II STAR Chair & Director of the Centre of Excellence for Bovine Tuberculosis
- Professor Emyr Lewis, Professor of Law and Head of the Department of Law and Criminology
- Professor Ryszard Piotrowicz, Professor of Law, Aberystwyth University; Adjunct Professor of Law, University of South Australia; First Vice-President of GRETA, the Council of Europe’s Group of Experts on Action against Trafficking in Human Beings
- Professor David Rabey, Professor of Theatre & Theatre Practice, Department of Theatre, Film & Television Studies
- Professor Reyer Zwiggelaar, Head of the Graduate School, Faculty Associate Dean of Research & Professor of the Department of Computer Science
They join 38 other new Fellows, all of whom share a link with Wales, its universities or intellectual life and are drawn from all specialisms.
Professor Elizabeth Treasure, Vice-Chancellor of Aberystwyth University said: “It is a pleasure to learn that a further five Aberystwyth academics have been elected Fellows of the Learned Society of Wales. This honour is well-deserved recognition of our colleagues’ prominence within their respective academic disciplines and their valuable contributions to the academic life of Wales.”
The Society’s President, Sir Emyr Jones Parry, said of the new intake: “I am delighted to see the election of 43 new Fellows, showing again the talent connected with Wales, which will reinforce the work of the Society, recognising excellence, promoting research and putting our expertise at the disposal of the nation.”
In addition the Society has admitted two new Honorary Fellows, Physicist Dame Jocelyn Bell Burnell and historian Professor Margaret Macmillan.
Election to the Fellowship is public recognition of excellence and takes place following a rigorous examination of each nominee’s achievements in their relevant field.
The Society’s Fellowship now numbers 562. Their combined expertise allows the Society to strengthen its contribution to Welsh public life, through its contributions to government policy development, public lectures and seminars and its expanding Wales Studies programme.
The new Fellows will be formally admitted at the Society’s AGM which will be held, remotely this year due to the Covid-19 restrictions, on 20th May.