Brexit: Life outside the European Union

Sir Emyr Jones Parry is Chancellor of Aberystwyth University and UK’s former Permanent Representative to the United Nations
27 January 2017
As the recent Supreme Court ruling brings Brexit a step closer, two experts on the implications of the UK’s decision to leave the European Union will deliver key addresses at Aberystwyth University’s Department of International Politics.
On Tuesday 31 January, Professor Michael Keating of Aberdeen University will give a lecture entitled ‘Between Two Unions: Brexit and the Nations’.
In his address Professor Keating, Director of the Economic and Social Research Council Centre on Constitutional Change, will consider the potential impact the vote will have within the UK and on the current devolution settlement.
The lecture takes in the Main Hall of the Department of International Politics on Penglais Campus and starts at 6pm.
On Thursday 2 February, Sir Emyr Jones Parry will deliver a lecture entitled ‘The Challenge of Implementing Brexit and the Implications for British Foreign Policy’
Sir Emyr Jones Parry is the UK’s former Permanent Representative to the United Nations and a member of the Welsh Government’s advisory group on Brexit.
This lecture also takes place at the Main Hall in the Department of International Politics and starts at the earlier time of 4pm.
Professor Milja Kurki, Director of Research at the Department of International Politics, extends a warm welcome to all students, staff and residents of Aberystwyth to attend these free events.
Professor Kurki said: “Since last summer’s momentous vote, the department has sought to encourage debate on what is turning out to be an increasingly complex and controversial 'Brexit' process.
“These two events are the latest in a series of public roundtable talks and lectures exploring what leaving the EU will mean for Aberystwyth, for Wales, the UK and beyond. We look forward to hearing the expert views of both Professor Keating and Sir Emyr Jones Parry - and, crucially, to engage in dialogue on a process that is important to us all both individually and collectively.”
Speaker biographies
Professor Michael Keating
Professor Michael Keating is Professor of Politics at the University of Aberdeen, part-time Professor at the University of Edinburgh and Director of the ESRC Centre on Constitutional Change. He has a BA from the University of Oxford and in 1975 received a PhD from what is now Glasgow Caledonian University. He has taught in several universities including Strathclyde, Western Ontario and the European University Institute, as well as universities in Spain and France. He is a Fellow of the British Academy, the Royal Society of Edinburgh and the Academy of Social Sciences. He has authored or edited over thirty books on Scottish politics, European politics, nationalism and regionalism.
Sir Emyr Jones Parry
Chancellor of Aberystwyth University, Sir Emyr Jones Parry was born in Carmarthen. A graduate of Cardiff University, he was awarded a PhD in Physics from Cambridge. He was a Career Diplomat from 1973 – 2007, where his last postings were as Ambassador to the United Nations New York, Permanent Representative to NATO, and Political Director of the Foreign Office.From 2007 – 2009 he chaired the All Wales Convention on the Future Powers of the National Assembly for Wales. He has experience of all levels of Government, the European Union, Constitutional Development in the UK, Science Policy, and International Relations.