Wales Rally GB visits Aberystwyth University

Aberystwyth University students at a Wales GB Rally event
07 October 2016
Aberystwyth University students are being given a chance once more this year to help out on an international sporting event.
The University has partnered with the Dayinsure Wales Rally GB to offer work experience and to host one of the rally stops on their upcoming roadshow prior to the main event in October 2016.
The Dayinsure Wales Rally GB is held in mid and north Wales and is the penultimate round of the World Rally Championship (WRC). Attracting around 80,000 spectators from all over the world, it is broadcast to over 60 million people worldwide and contributes more than £10m to the Welsh economy every year.
The relationship between the university and Wales Rally GB (WRGB) started a few years ago as tourism students from Aberystwyth University assisted in conducting surveys at the famous ‘Sweet Lamb’ stage of the event. Since then it has developed into the current opportunity as a significant and practical partnership.
For the students, working with the WRGB gives them the chance to improve their research skills and event management experience in an exciting real life fast paced environment.
Dr Carl Cater, Senior Lecturer in Tourism at Aberystwyth explained,
“It’s not everyday you get such an interesting opportunity but it’s really all thanks to the students; we set them up with the opportunity to work with the rally but it was their hard work and enthusiasm that left a wonderful impression on the WRGB staff and it really opened up the field for further work with them. These kinds of experiences really aid our teaching because you learn in a highly practical way, out in the field, as well as having the link to WRC on your résumé.“
Ben Taylor, Managing Director of International Motor Sports, organisers of the rally (as well as the Formula 1 British Grand Prix), noted the “diligent and professional” work carried out by Aberystwyth tourism students when carrying out the research.
This will be the second year that organisers have run a rally roadshow in October to build momentum for the forthcoming main event. This year Aberystwyth is thrilled to be one of the main stops of the tour at the university campus on Tuesday the 11th October.
As part of the visit, a rally car will be parked outside the IBERS building on Penglais campus. A world class driver will also be on hand to answer questions and there will be a series of structured sessions with student groups.