Police Training Exercise at Aberystwyth University

13 September 2016
Emergency services will be holding a training exercise at Aberystwyth University on Thursday 15 September 2016.
The exercise will involve uniformed and armed officers from Dyfed-Powys Police, working closely with colleagues from Mid and West Wales Fire and Rescue Service, Wales Ambulance Service and the National Police Air Service (NPAS).
The training exercise will be held between 10am and 3pm and will use one of the Cwrt Mawr halls of residence at the top of the University’s Penglais campus.
The scenario will involve around 20 volunteer ‘hostages’ but none of the emergency vehicles will use sirens or lights as part of the exercise. It will provide emergency services and the University with a real-time scenario to implement and test the major incident plans they have in place.
Aberystwyth University staff and students, as well as members of the general public, are being informed in advance so that no false alarms are raised as a result of the training activity.
A spokesman for Dyfed-Powys Police said: “The aim of the planned training exercise is to test and develop effective response capabilities for all the emergency services and partner agencies to a major incident. Dyfed-Powys Police has chosen the university site because it provides a safe training venue for all the participants, whilst at the same time presenting a series of unique challenges. Unfortunately such training remains necessary to ensure all organisations are in the best possible place to respond to an emergency at any location across the force area.”
Phil Maddison, Director of Health, Safety & Environment at Aberystwyth University said: said: “We realise that it is vital for Dyfed-Powys Police Force to carry out training exercises such as the one being planned for 15 September and we are happy to co-operate in any way we can. It is also a way to test the effectiveness of our procedures within the University, and to adapt and update where necessary. We are working closely with the police to ensure minimum disruption to University staff and students, as well as members of the public.”