Nobility Poets Book Launched at Eisteddfod

03 August 2016
A unique book on the verse of the Welsh Poets of the Nobility will be launched at the Monmouthshire and District 2016 National Eisteddfod in Abergavenny on Thursday 4 August.
Genres y Cywydd has been edited by Dr Bleddyn Owen Huws of the Department of Welsh and Celtic Studies at Aberystwyth University and Dr. A. Cynfael Lake of the Department of Welsh, Swansea University.
It’s the first ever book to focus on the different types of poems created by the Poets of the Nobility - the professional and amateur bards who composed in Wales between c.1330 and 1600.
The book includes fourteen thematic essays which have appeared in the magazine Dwned over the past 21 years. The authors who contributed to Dwned had the opportunity to update and edit their contributions especially for this volume.
In this new publication, there are critical evaluations of different genres of poems from scholars who specialise in various aspects of late medieval Welsh poetry and they reflect the most advanced adjudication in this field.
A drinks reception will be held to launch the book at 1.00pm on Thursday 4 August in the Coleg Cymraeg Cenedlaethol tent at the National Eisteddfod and there is a warm welcome to everyone.
A copy of the book can be ordered by contacting the Department of Welsh & Celtic Studies, Aberystwyth University on