Silent Explosion: Ivor Davies and Destruction in Art

Part of the exhibition on Ivor Davies.
16 February 2016
Aberystwyth University doctoral researcher Judit Bodor will be running a series of seminars at Amgueddfa Cymru - National Museum Wales in Cardiff on the 25th of February and the 3rd and 10th of March.
The seminars, Exhibition Matters, accompany an exhibition of work by contemporary Welsh artist Ivor Davies, Silent Explosion: Ivor Davies and Destruction in Art, which has been co-curated by Bodor and which runs at Amgueddfa Cymru - National Museum Wales until the 20th of March.
Silent Explosion reveals Davies’ enduring interest in the creative power of destruction and features work in various media including painting, sculpture and performance, spanning the artist’s career from the 1940s through to the present day.
In conversation with guests, Bodor explores the internal processes of exhibition making in museums, with a particular focus on the presentation of 1960s performances alongside art objects in traditional media.
Describing the seminars as “a practical exploration of how exhibitions can provide access to historical performance”, Bodor was fascinated with “how an exhibition of 1960s multimedia performance works would challenge the standard operation of National Museum Cardiff”.
The seminars are devised as part of an AHRC Collaborative Doctoral Award between Aberystwyth University and Amgueddfa Cymru – National Museum Wales.
Further information about the Exhibitions Matters is available online here.
Exhibition Matters
Seminar 1: 25 February 2016, 2-4 pm Conservation Conversation: How to ‘conserve’ material transformation and destruction? With Emily O'Reilly (Principal Conservator Paper, Amgueddfa Cymru - National Museum Wales) and Rose Miller (Senior Conservator Easel Painting, Amgueddfa Cymru - National Museum Wales).
Seminar 2: 3 March 2016, 2-4 pm Remembering Performance – Performing Memory: Using oral history to document performance histories. With Professor Heike Roms (Theatre, Film and Television Studies, Aberystwyth University)
Seminar 3: 10 March 2016, 2-4 pm Towards Silent Explosion: Curatorial dilemmas, processes and decisions in exhibiting historical performance. With Nicholas Thornton (Head of Fine Art, Amgueddfa Cymru - National Museum Wales).
Judit Bodor is an independent curator, researcher and educator currently Associate Tutor at the MFA Fine Art at Cardiff College of Art and Design and doctoral researcher at the Department of Theatre, Film and Television Studies at Aberystwyth University. Her Phd is supervised by Professor Heike Roms and Dr Jaqueline Yallop.