Aberystwyth University at the National Eisteddfod - Friday

07 August 2015
Today at the Aberystwyth University stand, Osian Elias will deliver the annual EG Bowen lecture on behaviour and language planning, a discussion on the relationship between politics and Welsh music, and Welsh medium students will have an opportunity to congregate for their mid summer reunion.
Annual E G Bowen Lecture
Changing Language Behaviour
Events at the University stand begin at 12.00pm, when Osian Elias from the Department of Geography and Earth Sciences delivers the annual EG Bowen lecture. Osian’s lecture will refer to his doctoral research on behaviour and language planning, concentrating on young people’s language behaviour.
To be kept apart? Music and Politics
At 2.00pm, come to the University’s stall to hear a discussion between staff and alumni on whether modern Welsh music has lost touch with politics and the spirit of protest.
UMCA Midsummer Reunion
UMCA’s (Aberystwyth Union of Welsh Students) midsummer reunion will be held at the University stall at 3.30pm, giving students an opportunity to catch up with friends and discuss their summer activities.
Chairing Ceremony
To close the week at the stand, come and enjoy a cup of tea or coffee at 4.30pm, while watching the Chairing ceremony on the big screen.
For a full programme of events at the Aberystwyth University stall at the Montgomeryshire and the Marches National Eisteddfod 2015 click here.