Journalist Dylan Iorwerth presented with Honorary Doctorate

Dylan Iorwerth
15 July 2015
Journalist and award-winning writer, Dylan Iorwerth, was presented with an Honorary Doctorate from Aberystwyth University today, Wednesday 15 July.
An alumnus of Aberystwyth University, Dylan Iowerth joined the Wrexham Leader and worked for BBC Radio Cymru’s News Department before being appointed BBC Cymru’s political correspondent in London.
He was co-founder of the Welsh language Sunday paper Sulyn, and of the weekly magazine Golwg in 1988.
He has won literary awards at the National Eisteddfod; the Crown in 2000, the Prose Medal in 2005 and the Chair in 2012.
He is an author, a presenter on radio and television, and is Directing Editor of Golwg Cyf which publishes Golwg and the online news service Golwg360.
Dylan Iorwerth was presented by Dr Cathryn Charnell-White, Head of The Department of Welsh.
Presentation of Honorary Doctorate to Dylan Iorwerth
"Dirprwy Ganghellor, darpar raddedigion, gyfeillion. Pleser o'r mwyaf yw cyflwyno Dylan Iorwerth yn Ddoethur er Anrhydedd Prifysgol Aberystwyth.
Pro Chancellor, prospective graduates and supporters. It is an honour and a privilege to present Dylan Iorwerth for an Honorary Doctorate at Aberystwyth University.
Mae’n deg dweud bod gan Brifysgol Aberystwyth le arbennig yng nghalon Dylan Iorwerth, nid yn unig am ei fod yn un o raddedigion Hanes a Saesneg y Brifysgol, ond pan oedd yn lletya yn y neuadd arbennig honno, Neuadd Panycelyn, fe ddaeth i adnabod ei wraig, Elaine. Mae Dylan yn wyneb cyfarwydd ac yn llais cyfarwydd hefyd: mae’n newyddiadurwr wrth ei alwedigaeth, ond mae e hefyd yn adnabyddus fel bardd a llenor, ac fel darlledwr rheolaidd ar y teledu a'r tonfeydd radio. Ymhlith ei gyhoeddiadau ar y Gymru gyfoes mae Gohebydd Tramor (1993), A Week in Europe (1996), Nabod y Teip (2007), Llyfr Mawr Wcw a'i Ffrindiau (2007) Y Gohebydd yng Ngheredigion yn y Flwyddyn Fawr (2007) ac, yn fwyaf diweddar, Golwg ar Gymru (2013). Mae ei gyflawniadau yn adlewyrchu dealltwriaeth ddofn ac ymrwymiad cadarn i'w gymuned – boed yn sir Gaernarfon neu yng Ngheredigion – a hynny'n unol â golwg eangfrydig ar y byd. Wrth gwrs, dyma uchelgais Prifysgol Aberystwyth ar gyfer bob un o'i graddedigion, oherwydd mae lleoliad y dref ar arfordir hardd Ceredigion yn golygu bod gan fyfyrwyr y Brifysgol hon, nid yn unig ymdeimlad cymunedol cryf, ond awydd hefyd i edrych allan ac i ddal sylw ar y gorwel eang hwnnw sy'n ymestyn o'u blaenau. Ar ôl graddio, fe ymunodd Dylan â'r Wrexham Leader. Gweithiodd i Adran Newyddion BBC Radio Cymru cyn cael ei benodi yn ohebydd seneddol BBC Cymru yn Llundain.
Mae'r ddeinameg rhwng y lleol a'r bydeang yn allweddol i'w weledigaeth broffesiynol felly: arloesodd wrth gyd-sefydlu’r papur Dydd Sul Cymraeg ei iaith, Sulyn, ynghyd â'r cylchgrawn wythnosol Golwg a lansiwyd yn 1988. Ac yntau'n Olygydd Gyfarwyddwr Golwg Cyf, mae Dylan wedi sicrhau bod Golwg yn gystadleuol ac yn berthnasol, ac yn gyhoeddiad ac iddo hygrededd: mae'r we fydeang a'r cyfryngau cymdeithasol yn herio'r diwydiant cyhoeddi yn barhaus ac ymateb Dylan i'r her honno fu datblygu'r gwasanaeth newyddion a diwylliannol ar-lein, Golwg360. Dyna chi Dylan Iorwerth y newyddiadurwr.
It is fair to say that Aberystwyth University has a special place in Dylan Iorwerth’s heart. Not only is he an alumnus of Aberystwyth University, graduating in History and English, but like so many of you, he met his future wife here too. A journalist by profession, he is also an accomplished writer in other modes, both poetry and fiction, and is a regular broadcaster on radio and television. In his achievements he encapsulates an understanding of, and commitment to his community, complimented by a thoroughly global outlook. Of course, this is one of Aberystwyth University's ambitions for all its graduates, because the town's beautiful coastal location means that Aberystwyth students not only have a keen sense of place but are also always looking outwards, always focussed on that broad horizon. After graduating Dylan joined the Wrexham Leader and worked for BBC Radio Cymru’s News Department before being appointed BBC Cymru’s parliamentary correspondent in London.
Regional and global dynamics are key to Dylan's professional vision: he was co-founder of the Welsh-language Sunday paper Sulyn, and of the weekly magazine Golwg that was launched in 1988. As Directing Editor of Golwg Cyf, Dylan has ensured that Golwg remains competitive, relevant and credible: the worldwide web and social media have posed huge challenges to the publishing industry and Dylan's response has been to develop Golwg360, an incredibly successful online news service and wide-ranging cultural magazine. Dylan has won literary awards at the National Eisteddfod for his other writing; notably the Crown in 2000, the Prose Medal in 2005 and the Chair in 2012. The Department of Welsh is particularly pleased that Dylan Iorwerth, one of Wales's foremost journalists, is being honoured today because he is an excellent ambassador for the discipline – for creative writing and Welsh in a professional context – and is also one of our staunchest supporters. Many of our students have boosted their employability potential thanks to work placements with Dylan at Golwg; we have a student working in partnership with Golwg towards a KESS PhD on the digital economy; and most recently Dylan took part in a successful conference organised by our Professional Welsh students that highlighted the range of careers available to graduates in our discipline.
O droi at Dylan Iorwerth y llenor, rhaid nodi ei fod wedi ennill bob un o brif wobrau yr Eisteddfod Genedlaethol, sef y Goron yn 2000, y Fedal Ryddiaith yn 2005 a'r Gadair yn 2012. Mae Adran y Gymraeg yn arbennig o falch o gael ei anrhydeddu heddiw: mae'n hysbyseb wych ar gyfer y ddisgyblaeth – sef ysgrifennu creadigol a Chymraeg mewn cyd-destun proffesiynol – ac mae ef hefyd ymhlith ein cefnogwyr mwyaf selog. Diolch i leoliadau gwaith gyda Dylan yn swyddfeydd Golwg fe gafodd nifer o'n myfyrwyr gyfle i hybu eu proffil cyflogadwyedd; mae gennym fyfyriwr sy'n gweithio mewn partneriaeth gyda Golwg ar ddoethuriaeth KESS ar yr economi ddigidol; ac yn fwyaf diweddar, fe gyfrannodd Dylan at gynhadledd lwyddiannus iawn a drefnwyd gan ein myfyrywr Cymraeg Proffesiynol er mwyn tynnu sylw at yr ystod eang o yrfaoedd sydd ar gael i raddedigion Cymraeg a Chymraeg Proffesiynol. Mae Dylan Iorwerth yn gymwynaswr i'n Hadran ni, a hefyd nid gormodiaith yw dweud ei fod, ym mhob agwedd ar ei yrfa hyd yn hyn, yn gymwynaswr goleuedig i'r iaith Gymraeg a'i diwylliant."
Aberystwyth University Honours 2015
Twelve individuals are being honoured by Aberystwyth University during the 2015 graduation ceremonies, which take place at the University’s Arts Centre from Tuesday 14 July until Friday 17 July.
Eight Honorary Fellowships will be presented to individuals who have, or have had a connection with Aberystwyth or Wales, and who have made an outstanding contribution to their chosen field.
Two Honorary Doctorate degrees will be presented to individuals who have been outstandingly successful in their field, or who have a long record of renowned research and publication.
Two Honorary Bachelor degrees will be presented to individuals who are members of Aberystwyth University staff without an entry-level degree in recognition of long-service, contribution and dedication to the Institution; and members of the local community who have made a significant contribution to Aberystwyth and the area.
Also being honoured are:
Honorary Fellowships:
• Eurwen Richards, former President of the Society of Dairy Technology and first female Cheese Master in the UK.
• Professor Robin Williams CBE, researcher in semiconductor physics, Fellow of the Royal Society and former Vice-Chancellor of Swansea University.
• Professor Miguel Alario-Franco, researcher in solid state chemistry and former President of the Royal Academy of Sciences of Spain.
• Lord Bourne of Aberystwyth, Parliamentary Under Secretary of State for the Department of Energy and Climate Change, and the Wales Office and an alumnus of Aberystwyth University.
• Debbie Moon, BAFTA award-winning creator and writer of the television series WolfBlood, contributor to the Hinterland television series and an alumnus of Aberystwyth University.
• Dr Francesca Rhydderch, Award-winning novelist, former editor of New Welsh Review and Associate Professor of Creative Writing at Swansea University.
• Dr Lyn Evans, researcher in high energy physics and leader of the team that designed, built and commissioned the Large Hadron Collider.
• Iolo Williams, wildlife television presenter of more than 20 series for the BBC and S4C including Springwatch, Autumnwatch and Winterwatch, and former RSPB Species Officer for Wales.
Honorary Doctorate Degrees:
• Professor Huw Cathan Davies OBE, Fellow of the Royal Meteorological Society, former National Academy of Science Researcher at NASA Institute in Virginia and an alumnus of Aberystwyth University.
Honorary Bachelor Degrees:
• Bryn Jones, co-ordinator of the Penparcau Community forum and founding member of local arts and healthcare group ‘HAUL’.
• Rhian Phillips, former Head teacher of Plascrug Primary School and International Schools Learning ambassador for Wales.