Aberystwyth University finalist in Green Gown Awards 2015

09 July 2015
Aberystwyth University Hospitality Services are celebrating being shortlisted as finalists in the Green Gown Awards 2015.
Aberystwyth is a finalist in the Food and Drink category of the Awards, which recognise the success of sustainability projects in higher education institutions across the UK.
The awards encourage universities to adopt sustainable policies in order to improve energy efficiency and minimise waste, and provide a platform for these initiatives and ideas to be shared across the education sector and beyond.
Conducted by the Environmental Association for Universities and Colleges and since being established in 2004, the Green Gown Awards have come to be considered as the most prestigious recognition of sustainable practice within higher education in the UK.
Also shortlisted for the Food and Drink category are the universities of Lancaster, Brighton, Reading, the Arts London and Wales Trinity Saint David.
‘O’r Pridd i’r Plât’ is an Aberystwyth University initiative which aims to improve sustainability by incorporating a range of University processes from crop research to the provision of locally-sourced produce.
All lamb and beef in Aberystwyth University Hospitality Services venues is sourced from the University’s farms, while 90% of dairy products and 100% of potatoes are produced in Wales. This contributes to reduced food miles and carbon emissions while ensuring a quality product is produced.
Researchers at the Institute of Biological, Rural and Environmental Sciences (IBERS) are developing high sugar rye grasses which contribute towards increased milk and meat production while simultaneously reducing the amount of methane produced by livestock.
The Awards Judges said: “The breadth of activities is great, utilising academia as well as practicable elements on sourcing and growing as well as possibly being very replicable across Wales”.
Rebecca Davies, Pro Vice-chancellor Student and Staff Services and Chief Operating Officer at Aberystwyth University said: “Through “O’r Pridd i’r Plat” Aberystwyth University makes direct links between our internationally recognised research and our fantastic food and drink services for students, staff and the community. We are fortunate to have research and professional services staff who are committed to supporting excellence in environmentally sustainable farming and reducing food miles, whilst ensuring that students, staff and visitors to the University enjoy food of the highest quality.”
Aberystwyth University is a Fairtrade university and holds a Bronze Food for Life Catering Mark Award which covers all of the campus restaurants and is fast becoming the industry standard for local, sustainable and ethically sourced food.
The winners of the Green Gown Awards 2015 will be announced at ceremony at Brunel’s Old Station in Bristol on 26 November 2015.