Lord Bryce Dissertation Prize awarded

Dr Anja Gebel
28 May 2014
A former PhD student at Aberystwyth University’s Department of International Politics was recently awarded the Lord Bryce Dissertation Prize by the UK Political Studies Association.
The award was presented to Dr Anja Gebel, a PhD student at Aberystwyth from 2008-2012, for the best PhD dissertation in International Relations / Comparative Politics.
Dr Jenny Mathers, Head of the Department of International Politics, explains, “This is fantastic news for Anja and the award was richly deserved. She has achieved a great deal with her research and we are delighted for her.
“This is the third year in a row that a PhD thesis produced in the Department has won a major thesis prize and demonstrates the high standards that our PhD students achieve.”
The work, titled Hegemony and Antagonism - Opening up the International Anti-Corruption Consensus investigates the question how the meanings of corruption, politics and economics are being shaped and fixed through their articulation in International Anti-Corruptiondiscourse.
Dr Gebel’s PhD research was funded by the European Research Council Political Economies of Democratisation project (2008-2012).
The project critically examines and seeks to rethink the contemporary democracy promotion agenda in world politics. Its central focus is on opening up space for consideration of different ‘politico-economic models of democracy’ in current democracy promotion.
The project is funded by the European Research Council under the European Community's 7th Framework Programme (2007-2013).