Recognising long serving staff

Longest serving: Mike Gelly Jones has worked for Aberystwyth University for nearly 53 years.
15 April 2014
180 Aberystwyth University staff members were honoured and thanked for their hard work and dedicated service at the University’s Long Service Awards which were held on 7 and 8 April.
The longest-serving member of staff to have been recognised at the Awards was Mike Gelly Jones, who has worked for the University for nearly 53 years.
Mike joined the University in October 1961, after working in Woolworths for a few months after leaving school.
He joined the Geography Department as a Cartographer where he worked for 41 years. Feeling he would like to try something different, he took early retirement in 2002 before returning after a few months to work as the University’s chauffeur and as a porter in the Hugh Owen bulding. Just over 11 years later, and he is still going strong.
“I’ve thoroughly enjoyed my time at the University. Working as a cartographer I found myself producing maps and graphs for lots of things - anything from tutorials and articles to books and magazines. Amongst the highlights was surveying down in Bridgwater Bay on the mudflats with Professor Clarence Kitson, and in Ynys Las with Bob Yates.”
When he is not chauffering for the University, Mike enjoys walking his dogs, gardening, travelling, and touring on his BMW GS1150 motorbike. He has just returned from a cruise down the Panama Canal and is now planning a bike ride to Holland in June. During the past three years he has ridden the bike to Morocco, the Alps and Barcelona.
Speaking of his nearly 53 years of service, Mike said; “I’m quite proud of what I’ve achieved. I’m planning to keep going for a few years if I can, but you never know what’s round the corner!”
Mike’s wife, Susan Jones, is also a long-standing member of staff at Aberystwyth University’s Arts Centre along with their son, Simon Jones, who works as a computer technician in Information Services.
The Awards, now in its second year, are presented to academic and professional services staff who have worked at the University for 20 years or more.
Aberystwyth University Vice-Chancellor, Professor April McMahon said; “This is what makes Aberystwyth University so special - the dedication and loyalty of our staff.
“The staff are the most important part of any organisation and this is a wonderful opportunity to thank them and celebrate what they have achieved over the years.
“I am extremely proud to be involved in this special ceremony which is designed to recognise and express gratitude to those staff members who have contributed many years of dedicated service.”
As well as Mike, four individuals were awarded 40 years’ service, 25 people received the 30 years award, 22 achieved 25 years’ service and the remaining 128 have worked at the University for 20 years or more.
The Long Service Awards is an annual event which was established in 2013. The University also recognises the excellence of individual members of staff through the Student Led Teaching Awards, which will be held on 2 May.