Visitor from Down Under

Dr John Gee, IBERS with Dana Barringham Sydney, Australia.
12 March 2014
The latest of this year’s visiting days saw Aberystwyth bathed in glorious sunshine.
Amongst the hundreds of prospective students who have travelled to Aberystwyth to discuss their study options was Dana Barringham from Sydney, Australia.
Dana is on a week-long visit to Wales and had flown in especially to attend the visiting day and in particular to talk to staff at the Institute of Biological, Environmental and Rural Sciences about the courses that interest her; zoology and life sciences.
Originally from Utah in the US, Dana moved to Sydney a couple of years ago but has decided that she would like to study here in the UK.
“I always had a dream of studying in the UK and I’ve decided to visit a couple of universities to see what they have to offer. Wales is so beautiful, absolutely gorgeous, and it is nice and cool compared with Australia.”
Should Dana opt to study in Wales, she would be returning to the land of her ancestors. She believes that some of her forefathers were amongst some of the earliest settlers to leave these shores for the US, from Wales and the English midlands.