UN Internet Governance Forum

Students from the Department of International Politics took part in the conference via an online hub, one of only two locations to offer this in the UK.
24 October 2013
Students from the Department of International Politics at Aberystwyth have been participating in a United Nations led session on Online Oppression.
The session which took place on Wednesday 23 October, is part of the UN’s Internet Governance Forum (UNIFG) that is taking place on the Indonesian island of Bali this week, 22-25 October, on the theme ‘Cyberspace’s role in sustainable development’.
Aberystwyth University is one of only two locations in the UK that is offering students the opportunity to contribute to the Forum by means of a hub.
In addition to the hub at Aberystwyth, International Politics lecturer Dr Madeline Carr is attending the conference in Bali.
Dr Carr coordinates the Cyber Connectivity Research Center at Aberystwyth which has been established to provide a focus for research into issues around International Politics and new technology.
Speaking of the conference, she said; “The UNIGF is a really important meeting for discussing a whole range of questions about how we want the Internet to be. These are issues that are integrally important to everyone of us - they shouldn't be decided by corporations, governments or other organisations without the input of civil society. Setting Aberystwyth University up as a remote hub and inviting the community to participate in the meeting is an excellent way to offer some insight into these debates and to allow people in Wales to have a voice in them.
“One of the hot issues at this year's UNIGF has been the Brazilian President's announcement last week that she will hold a summit in Rio next April to provide an opportunity for the global community to rethink US dominance in Internet governance. Related to this is of course the Edward Snowden leaks, though strangely, this has yet to be addressed comprehensively here this week. Cyber security is the subject of many panels as are human rights online. All challenging and interesting.”
The Internet Governance Forum has met annually since the 2006 World Summit on the Information Society to foster a common understanding of how to maximize Internet opportunities and address emerging risks and challenge.
It is also intended as a space for developing countries to be granted the same opportunity as wealthier nations to engage in the debate on internet governance, as well as to facilitate their participation in existing institutions and arrangements.
This year’s Forum is also reviewing the role of governments in multi-stakeholder cooperation for Internet governance, and the Bali meeting is seeking to identify common ground on this issue.
More than 1,500 delegates are expected to attend the Bali meeting, including several High-level government officials, CEO's and directors of major global business organizations and civil society groups.
For additional information go to: http://www.intgovforum.org
Dr Madeline Carr
Dr Madeline Carr joined Aberystwyth University in 2012. She coordinates the Cyber Connectivity Research Center at Aberystwyth which has been established to provide a focus for research into issues around International Politics and new technology .
Dr Carr has consulted on issues of cybersecurity and social networking technology to the Australian Army Joint Forces Command, Australian Senators Christine Milne and Scott Ludlum and a number of private sector organisations.
She has previously taught at the Australian National University, Newcastle University (Australia) and Ritsumeikan Asia Pacific University in Japan.