New Student Charter launched

Launching the new Aberystwyth Student Charter are (left to right) Grace Burton, Incoming Education Officer at Aberystwyth Students Union (ASU), Sam Reynolds Student Representation and Experience Co-ordinator ASU, Professor John Grattan, Pro Vice-Chancellor for Student Experience and International; Jamie Barker, Marketing and Communications Manager ASU, and Jess Leigh, outgoing Education Officer ASU.
26 June 2013
Aberystwyth University and Aberystwyth University Students’ Union are pleased to announce the publication of the new Student Charter.
The new Charter presents a clear, single-page outline of the mutual roles and responsibilities of the University, Students’ Union and of individual students.
The development of the new Charter has been encouraged and supported by the Higher Education Funding Council for Wales (HEFCW), which has strived for all HE institutions to jointly agree a charter with their Student Unions.
Jess Leigh, Education Officer and Sam Reynolds, Student Representation and Experience Co-ordinator of the Students’ Union, worked in conjunction with Professor John Grattan, Pro Vice-Chancellor for Student Experience and International, and the University Executive to agree areas of responsibility and what will be expected from each party.
The aim of the Charter is to inform students of what they should be able to expect and what is required of them.
Of the publication, Jess Leigh commented: “As the Education Officer, I made it a priority to make the Student Charter more accessible and user friendly. Breaking it down into the three parts and visibly displaying it in departments and key points across our campuses has enabled clear ownership and effectively communicates the expectations and responsibilities of all parties”.
Points such as receiving constructive feedback and equipping students with relevant employability skills are all reflected in the expectations from the University, whilst students can expect vigorous representation throughout the institution and personal development through sports, societies and activities from the Students’ Union.
In turn, points such as taking responsibility for individual learning and making the most of available opportunities are all outlined as expectations from students.
Welcoming the Charter, Professor John Grattan said: “The Student Charter is a public declaration of what students can expect from the University and, in turn, what the University expects from its students. Clearly defining the standards expected of one another is vital in ensuring the proper delivery of services and ensures the development of the excellent student experience at Aberystwyth.
“I am delighted that we have been able to work together to develop the Charter and am grateful to the Students’ Union for providing valuable input in terms of students’ expectations of the University.”
Following its publication, the Charter will be reviewed on an annual basis by students, Student Union officers and university staff in order to ensure all content remains relevant and up-to-date.