Make do and mend

(L-R) Diane Logan and Carys Hedd, both Aberystwyth University Lifelong Learning textiles tutor, and Alison Pierse from SELL celebrate with their award.
09 April 2013
A programme of sewing courses at Aberystwyth University designed to recycle and up-cycle old clothing to prevent clothes being thrown into landfill sites and encourage the formation of new businesses in Wales, has won a national Universities Association for Lifelong Learning Award.
The Award for innovative course design and sustainability has been presented to the University’s School of Education and Lifelong Learning (SELL) and the scheme aims to recognise innovative projects, programmes in sustainability and practices that promote lifelong learning in the Higher Education Sector.
Alison Pierse, the Art and Design Coordinator at SELL, explains, “We are delighted to have scooped this award. It means a great deal to us because we’re very proud of our hard working tutors, their energies in promoting courses and their strong student support skills which has resulted in a considerable rise in student numbers enrolling on our textiles courses.”
“Our aim is to provide and build our students’ confidence and develop the skills required to set up a small business from home. They strike a chord with people because the modules address employability within small rural communities and are delivered in collaboration with small businesses and local venues.”
Last year, four additional courses were created in response to student demand. Other complementary modules include Up-cycled Clothing and Pattern making, Textiles Techniques, Web Design, Digital Textile Design using Photoshop and Marketing Yourself as an Art Practitioner.
The courses are taught in village halls and community centres throughout Ceredigion, Pembrokeshire and Powys and provide individuals with a vibrant learning environment as well as a place to socialise and have fun.
For more information on these courses, visit the SELL website on or contact Alison Pierse on