Record numbers study Maths and Physics

Professor Andrew Evans, Director of the Institute of Mathematics and Physics
14 December 2012
The Institute of Mathematics and Physics at Aberystwyth University is celebrating an exceptional year in terms of recruitment.
Not only has the Institute recruited record numbers to study mathematics and physics, but the numbers studying an element of these subjects through the medium of Welsh is the best ever.
There is a long tradition of offering Welsh medium and bilingual opportunities to students at the Institute of Mathematics and Physics, and until recently, this depended on the dedication of a limited number of lecturers who could speak Welsh.
In 2007 the Welsh medium provision was formalised by offering Welsh medium modules, and in 2010 the University appointed Dr Gwion Evans as Welsh medium mathematics lecturer. This was followed by the investment in two posts by the Coleg Cymraeg Cenedlaethol. Dr Huw Morgan was appointed Welsh medium Physics lecturer in 2011 and Dr Tudur Davies was appointed Welsh medium Mathematics lecturer in 2012.
The Institute has taken advantage of these posts to further expand the Welsh medium provision. Many of the Institute’s courses now offer 40 credits a year through the medium of Welsh, and are eligible for the Coleg Cymraeg Cenedlaethol’s Undergraduate Scholarships. This year has been the first year for Aberystwyth University to welcome the recipients of these scholarships.
Professor Andrew Evans, Director of the Institute of Mathematics and Physics said, “We pride ourselves in the fact that over 40 students are studying an element of their course through the medium of Welsh this year. We aim to nurture the students’ bilingual skills and it’s evident that students are realising the importance of bilingual skills in the workplace. A range of students are studying these modules, from the Coleg’s scholarship recipients and first language students to Welsh learners – and this is very encouraging.”