QAA review welcomed

The Old College, Aberystwyth University
05 October 2012
Aberystwyth University has welcomed the Institutional Review which has been published by the Quality Assurance Agency (QAA) today, Friday 5 October. This is part of a routine process by the QAA who are responsible for monitoring the quality and standards of degrees.
Aberystwyth University welcomes the confidence expressed by the QAA in both the current and likely future management of the academic standards of its awards, and in the current and future management of the quality of the learning opportunities available to its students.
Professor John Grattan, Pro Vice-Chancellor at Aberystwyth University said: “The report underlines the high quality of all Aberystwyth degrees. We are particularly delighted that so many features of good practice, which underpin our consistently excellent performance in national and international measures of undergraduate and postgraduate student satisfaction, have been recognised.”
“The report makes particular reference to the strength of our research led teaching, our support and development of postgraduate students, our active dissemination of good learning and teaching practice and our determined commitment to recognise and reward excellence in teaching and to the professional development and support of our academic staff.”
“The report makes reference to limited confidence in respect of our lack of formal centralised management processes for our extremely limited range of collaborative provision. We take this seriously; however, the points raised do not detract from the quality of our students or their degrees. These issues are important, and we have addressed them by adopting and enforcing best practice from the sector.”
“We look forward to demonstrating that the University has robust processes for collaborative activity. An International Partnerships Manager has been appointed, and a Collaborative Provision and Partnerships Committee has been established under my chairmanship, which will ensure this.”
“We value the engagement of the QAA with the University in their role as critical friends. The recommendations of the review team will guide us in the year ahead as we continue to develop our quality assurance and enhancement activities. This will ensure that we remain responsive to the needs of our students and continue to deliver a first class learning and teaching experience.”