YouthSight top marks

07 June 2012
Aberystwyth University has performed exceptionally well in the latest YouthSight Higher Expectations Report 2012.
The University was found to be the best in the UK for the interest taken in students during the course of their application and performed exceptionally well in several other areas.
The findings are based on the latest version of Higher Expectations, a study into the undergraduate student decision making process published by YouthSight (previously OpinionPanel Research).
Now in its eighth year, Higher Expectations interviews more than 12,000 new first-year students from over 150 institutions every year and has access to 72,000 interviews from higher education institutions all around the UK.
Professor Martin Jones, Pro Vice Chancellor with responsibility for recruitment said: “Aberystwyth University is renowned for the friendliness of staff and students and the influential YouthSight Report is confirmation of this first.”
“Aberystwyth University also appeared in the top 10 for the quality of its prospectus, website and the helpfulness of the administration. It was also first for the category “seemed interested in me during the application.”
Professor Martin Jones explained “In an age when students are expected to fund their higher education, it is vital that universities provide top quality information to applicants to help them make the right choice. It is very pleasing that Aberystwyth’s prospectus and our websites performed so well and that our front line staff were seen to be so helpful.”
“We pride ourselves at Aberystwyth University in providing a first class student experience and it is particularly pleasing to have this confirmed by the YouthSight Report which is one of the most comprehensive reports.”