Digital stories

16 June 2011
On Friday 17 June, from 10am until 4.30pm, the Arts Centre will host the sixth anniversary of the Digital Storytelling Festival, an event which promises to inspire, encourage and show the exciting possibilities of digital storytelling.
Whether you work in education, the community or as an artist, this is your opportunity to share experiences, explore new creative ideas, see the latest technological developments, look at examples of best practise in the UK and worldwide and celebrate the growing significance of digital storytelling.
DS6 presents a jam packed day of inspirational speakers and practical sessions on every topic you can think of within the field of digital storytelling and some you hadn't considered! All this plus a wide range of trade stands from the main funding organisations, community development schemes and many more and a unique opportunity to network with the digital storytelling community in Wales, the UK and beyond.
Main Speakers:
Storyfield, Julie Gade
Founder and Managing director of Story Field - a Copenhagen based agency that communicates people's stories and experiences with video, for use in organisational innovation, development and online communication. Clients include both public and private organisations and companies. Julie has a Masters degree from the IT University of Copenhagen and previously worked as a User Experience Consultant, for the digital agency LBi Copehagen.
"In my presentation I will talk about how digital storytelling can be used in user studies to improve product and service design. I will present two cases where we have used digital storytelling in user studies. I will talk about how we use Social media tools for collecting and sharing images, videos and experiences and last reflect on the methodological and ethical aspects of the method. "
Patient Voices, Pip Hardy
Along with Tony Sumner, Pip founded the Patient Voices Programme in 2003 with the intention of bringing more humanity into healthcare through the creation and sharing of digital stories of life and death, health and illness, despair and celebration, hope and transformation.
Some 500 people have participated in workshops to create their digital stories and the model of free distribution of stories via the Patient Voices website has resulted in their use in healthcare education throughout the English-speaking world and beyond.
Apart from facilitating workshops and talking to audiences around the world about Patient Voices, Pip has completed an MSc investigating how the stories are being used and has now embarked on a PhD to consider what it is that makes these stories so popular.
"Digital storytelling can change lives - not only the lives of the people who create stories, but also the lives of people who watch them. This presentation sets the scene for digital storytelling in healthcare and looks at some of the many ways Patient Voices stories have been used in healthcare education to prompt reflection, stimulate discussion and debate and promote greater empathy and compassion."
Digital Storytelling Asia, Angeline Koh
"I stumbled on digital storytelling in 2007, got infected by it, and never recovered. All I wanted then was to tell my stories and to help others tell their stories. Little did I know that it would lead me to leave my 22-year comfort zone to pioneer digital storytelling in Singapore and Asia. Digital storytelling has the potential to build bridges of friendship and understanding in our multicultural nation."
Registered in 2010, DIGITAL STORYTELLING ASIA, a Singapore-based social enterprise owned by Angeline Koh. The DSA team has facilitated workshops and given talks in Singapore, the Philippines, and the USA. Their work has quietly gained interest from the Ministry of Education, schools, non-pro!t organisations, and individuals. DSA stories have been screened on OKTO, one of Singapore national TV channels. Three new facilitators have recently joined the team of two. Angelina was appointed co-director of the Second Asian Digital Storytelling Congress 2010 by the National Book Development Council of Singapore. Angelina is also co-director of Digital Storytelling Circle (DiSC), a support group for digital storytellers jointly initiated by NBDCS and DSA to create storytelling movements and to empower ordinary people to tell their stories.
Watch on youtube here!
Plus sessions with Hyperlocal Girls Joni Ayn and Hannah Waldram, Storyworks and more!
For more info follow the link on our website here.
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