Referendum debate

Referendum 2011 - The Power Debates: Betsan Powys (centre), Professor Mike Foley (standing left), Head of the Department of International Politics, and Professor Roger Scully (standing right) Head of the Institute of Welsh Affairs, with members of the panel.
15 February 2011
Aberystwyth hosts TV Referendum debate
On Monday 14th February the Department of International Politics hosted the first televised debate of the Welsh Assembly Referendum, which is set to take place on Thursday 3rd March 2011.
Referendum 2011 - The Power Debates was presented by BBC Wales Political Editor and Aberystwyth alumna Betsan Powys.
Panel members, Nick Martin from True Wales, Russell Goodway, former Labour Leader of Cardiff City Council, Kirsty Williams, leader of the Welsh Liberal Democrats and representing the Yes camp, and Martin Shipton, Political Editor of the Western Mail, debated the case for and against giving the National Assembly further law making powers with an invited audience of 80 people.
The programme was broadcast on BBC1 Wales on Monday evening and can be viewed again online for up to 7 days at