High demand for places at Aberystwyth University

Aberystwyth University
20 August 2010
This year has been an exceptional year for applications. Such is the demand that Aberystwyth University has experienced a 14% increase in applications and successful applicants are accepting Aberystwyth as their first choice in greater numbers than ever before.
In April of this year the University announced that it would not consider any new UK/EU applications received after the 15 April 2010 and that it would not be offering places in UCAS ‘Extra’, nor would it be participating in 2010 Clearing. Aberystwyth University is the only Welsh University to be in this position.
More recently the Director of Admissions wrote to all students holding an offer to say that the University can only guarantee acceptance this year if the terms of the offer (the grades achieved) are met squarely.
Professor Aled Jones, the Pro Vice-Chancellor with responsibility for recruitment, said “This has been a remarkable year. 2009 broke all records, but, so far, 2010 has surpassed all previous landmarks in student applications. The number of people who apply to us, and are selecting the University as their first choice and then go on to accept our offers are all up significantly on previous years. This is very good news for the University and for the economy of the region.”
“The growing popularity of Aberystwyth reflects the excellent teaching and support provided to students by our staff, and the superb range of facilities that are available to them. Academic, sporting and cultural resources at Aber are excellent, and we all constantly work hard to try to enhance them.”
“Aberystwyth University has achieved consistently high rankings in national surveys of student satisfaction. The results of the National Student Survey released earlier this week gave the University the second highest score for any public residential University in the UK, placing us just behind Oxford University. A recent survey in the influential Times Higher Education Supplement also indicated that Aberystwyth University offered learning opportunities of a quality comparable to those offered by Cambridge, Oxford and St Andrews. We are all, students and staff, justifiably proud of that achievement.”
With the University now full for 2010, applicants for the 2011/12 academic year are encouraged to visit the University on the next Open Day on Wednesday 15 September 2010. Details of the Open Day can be found on the University website www.aber.ac.uk/en/open-days