Reducing carbon emissions

Carbon Trust Standard
21 May 2010
Wide ranging measures introduced by Aberystwyth University to reduce carbon emissions have been rewarded this week with the announcement that it has been awarded the Carbon Trust Standard.
Over the past 4 years the University has invested nearly £1,000,000 in energy saving measures. These included new metering systems to monitor energy use and identify potential future energy savings, improved insulation, new double glazing units and energy efficient lighting.
An assessment of the University’s energy use by the Carbon Trust Standard Company for the period from August 2006 to July 2009 showed a reduction in annual carbon dioxide emissions of over 400 tonnes, from 12,700 to 12,300 tonnes, a decrease equivalent to 3%.
The Carbon Trust Standard is the world’s first carbon award that requires organisations to measure, manage and reduce their carbon emissions across their own operations.
Dr John Harries, Pro-Vice Chancellor with responsibility for Estates, said:
“We’re delighted to have achieved the Carbon Trust Standard. It is a great way of showing that we have taken action on climate change and helps communicate our environmental credentials to our stakeholders.”
“It is particularly timely that the announcement is made during Wales Sustainability Week when we have been showcasing successful initiatives such as the bike to work scheme and the significant reductions we have achieved in food miles at our restaurants.”
“Cutting carbon is a priority for us as a University and delivers tangible bottom-line benefits. We are on target to cut our carbon emissions by over 10 % by 2010 as part of the Higher Education Carbon Management initiative begun in 2005 and are committed to making further reductions in the future.”
Harry Morrison, General Manager of the Carbon Trust Standard commented:
“Being certified with the Carbon Trust Standard is proof that an organisation has taken genuine action to reduce its impact on climate change by cutting its carbon emissions. We congratulate Aberystwyth University on this achievement and their continued efforts in carbon reduction.”
In April 2005, Aberystwyth was one of 19 pioneering universities across the UK who became members of the Carbon Trust’s Higher Education Carbon Management Scheme which was designed to provide support and guidance to universities and higher education colleges to help them cut carbon emissions.
In addition to improvements to the estate, the University has been working closely with local transport companies to reduce private car use in and around Aberystwyth. As well as reducing congestion, the AHA travel card (Ar Hyd Aber) initiative has produced annual reductions of over 12,000 litres of fuel, which equates to approximately 32 tonnes of carbon.