Fit & Well

Sports Centre manager Frank Rowe and Rachel Hubbard, Membership Manager.
13 May 2008
Aber launches Fit and Well Week
Aberystwyth University Sports Centre is launching a week long programme of events aimed at encouraging members of University staff to take greater care of their health – Monday 9th to Friday 13th June.
The Sports Centre's Membership Manager, Rachel Hubbard, is urging as many people as possible take this opportunity to try some simple steps to improve their health. She said:
“Come along and see how healthy, active living through practical sessions, lecture, information and enjoyment of taking part in sport or exercise might be the impetus to change the way you live and improve the life you live in.”
The week's events will be launched by the Vice-Chancellor on Monday 9 June at 10 a.m. who will also launch the University’s new Health & Wellbeing and Dignity at Work Policy which has been developed by staff at the Department of Human Resources.
The full programme for the week is as follows:
Monday 9 June
10am - Opening address by Vice-Chancellor
Launch of Aberystwyth University’s Health & Wellbeing and Dignity at Work Policy
Tour of the facilities – open to staff, students and the local community
Free Classes to come and try (these will run all week).
Tuesday 10 June
Healthy Eating
Diet advice – how to lose weight – information sheets, exercise classes
Free Fitness Testing at the Sports Centre
Healthy Food – displays/information from Residential and Hospitality Services – vouchers for 50% reduction on fresh juice and smoothies at TaMed Da
Shape Up Session – Body Mass Index, exercise session, information sheets. Role of exercise in weight loss.
Wednesday 11 June
Blood Pressure monitoring by the University’s nurse – book appointments at the Sports Centre
Stress Awareness – talks, leaflets, displays
Health walks from Sports Centre.
Thursday 12 June
Information and advice on arthritis, osteoporosis and exercise.
Free Fitness Testing at the Gym.
Free Back Care and relaxation classes.
Friday 13 June
Gym Clinics all day – come and speak to a Personal Training, get advice on training.
Fit challenges in the gym e.g. Tour de France Stage, campus mile, or treadmill challenge.
During the week the Sports Centre will also hold one of fitness training sessions in the pool and plyometric training in the sports hall for local sports clubs.
For further information about the Fit and Well week is available online - see the link on the right. If you would like to arrange a class or more information about the Sports Centre’s provision contact either Diane or Rhian on 01970 621500 or email