Aber at the Eisteddfod

The Old College
31 July 2008
Aberystwyth University at the National Eisteddfod
Diamonds, happiness, humour, sexuality, politics, literature – these are only some of the topics for discussion on the Aberystwyth University stand at the National Eisteddod next week.
One of the highlights of a full week of activities will be a reunion for former students, which is being held on the stand on Wednesday 6 August at 3 p.m. The event is being organised by the University and Old Students' Association.
Carwyn Jones AM, Counsel General and Leader of the House for the Welsh Assembly Government, will open proceedings and share some of his memories of life as a Law student in Aberystwyth during the mid 1980s.
Aberystwyth University Vice-Chancellor, Professor Noel Lloyd said;
“Aberystwyth has a special place in the history of education in Wales, and it gives me great pleasure to extend an invitation to former students of all ages to join us on the Eisteddfod field to share memories and celebrate the contribution made by the university since it was established in 1872.
“I am also pleased to welcome Carwyn Jones AM to open the reunion. Over the years Aberystwyth alumni have made an important contribution to public life in Wales and beyond and Carwyn Jones continues this excellent tradition. I am absolutely confident that this contribution to the life, culture and economy of Wales will continue in the future.
“The University is on the threshold of an exciting period which will create a new generation of graduates who have enjoyed the unique academic and social experience Aberystwyth has to offer. The investment of £55m in the biological, environmental and rural sciences over the next five years is one example of these new developments,” he added.
As well as the reunion, on Monday there will be an opportunity to discuss the work of Welsh Literature Abroad, learn about www.sesh.tv, and see short films produced by students at the Department of Theatre, Film and Television Studies.
On Wednesday morning there will be an opportunity to hear more about the External Degree and at 2.00 in the afternoon Euryn Ogwen Williams will deliver a lecture in the Pagoda entitled ‘What did you do in the revolution, comrade?”. The lecture is being sponsored by the University's Department of Theatre, Film and Television Studies.
On Thursday morning the historian Dr Russell Davies, will be discussing ‘The Welsh Nation’s happiness, humour and sexuality between 1776 and 1948’, and in the afternoon Professor Andrew Evans, Director of Research at the Institute of Mathematics and Physics will be asking ‘Are diamonds really forever?’
On Friday morning Professor Richard Wyn Jones and Professor Roger Scully from the Institute of Welsh Politics will be discussing “Welsh Politics – Seriously!” The week’s activities will conclude on Friday afternoon with a reception for prospective students with entertainment provided by Yr Ods.
Full programme of events:
Monday 4th August
Welsh Literature Travelling the World
Sit back and enjoy a short film featuring Welsh authors over morning coffee and cake. Find out about opportunities abroad for authors, translators and publishers with staff from Welsh Literature Abroad, the agency which facilitates the translation of Welsh writing internationally. Part of the Mercator Institute for Media, Languages and Culture.
Sesh TV Session
It’s been described as the Welsh-language You Tube – but what exactly is Sesh TV? Come and find out how you can be part of the innovative www.sesh.tv website. Informal drinks reception to follow.
Aber Students On Screen
Throughout the day, we’ll be showing a range of short films made by students. Come and watch their work and find out more about our degree courses in an informal chat with departmental staff.
During the week, two members of the Department – Eddie Ladd and Mike Pearson – can be seen performing in the Trace Gallery space between 11am – 2pm on the Monday, Wednesday, Friday and Saturday of the Eisteddfod.
Wednesday 6th August
10am - 12pm
A chat and a cuppa with External Degree students
Between 10am and midday there will be a chance for External Degree Students past and present to stop by for a chat and a cup of tea. All welcome.
Lecture at Y Pagoda
Euryn Ogwen Williams: ‘What did you do in the revolution, comrade?”
Ten years ago at the Bro Ogwr National Eisteddfod, Euryn Ogwen Williams gave a prescient speech about the digital age entitled ‘Living in the midst of revolution’. Much of what he foresaw then is now reality. What opportunities were missed? And what do the next ten years hold?
The lecture is sponsored by the Department of Theatre, Film & Television Studies at Aberystwyth University.
Reception to follow on the Aberystwyth University Stand.
Reception for Aberystwyth University Alumni
A chance for former Aberystwyth students of every period to meet at the stall and reminisce about University days. Refreshments will be available so pop by to see some familiar faces.
Thursday 7th August
Lecture by Dr Rusell Davies: ‘The Welsh Nation’s happiness, humour and sexuality between 1776 and 1948’
A chance to hear Dr Russell Davies, author of ‘Hope and Heartbreak: A Social History of Wales 1776 – 1871’ discussing these unexpected elements of Welsh society.
Presentation by Professor Andrew Evans:
‘Are diamonds really forever?’
Come to listen to Professor Andrew Evans discussing diamonds. Learn how to tell the difference between real and fake diamonds, and find out what to do with them apart from wear them! Everyone is welcome to listen to this interesting presentation.
Friday 8th August
Professor Richard Wyn Jones and Professor Roger Scully:
‘Welsh Politics – Seriously!’
Listen to these two well-known scholars talk about the volume they’re in the process of writing as they offer an analysis of modern Welsh politics. As well as listening, you will have the chance to challenge!
Reception for Prospective Students
All 2008 prospective students will be welcome at three o’clock on Friday to join us at the stall for a drink and entertainment with the group Yr Ods. This is an opportunity for you, your parents and friends, to talk to the University’s staff and meet other young people who will start at the University in September.