Welsh-medium Postgraduate Scholarships

Penglais Campus
01 January 2008
The Department of Law and Criminology, Aberystwyth University invites applications for a postgraduate scholarship to commence on October 1st, 2008. The successful candidate will study for a PhD in the field of Law or Socio-Legal studies, with supervision from two members of academic staff within the Department of Law and Criminology.
The scholarship is tenable for a period not exceeding 5 years and includes fees and maintenance for the duration of the period of study. The scholarships will be at the same value as postgraduate studentships from the Research Councils (the amount for 2007-2008 was £12,600 but this is likely to increase for 2008-2009).
The scholarship holder is expected to engage in teaching activities through the medium of Welsh during this period. Candidates who have previously studied for a Masters level qualification will hold the scholarship for a period of four years. Candidates who have not previously studied for a Masters level qualification will hold the scholarship for 5 years, and will receive research training during first year. In both cases, in the final year, the scholarship holder will be treated as a teaching fellow, and therefore their teaching workload will increase.
This is an excellent opportunity for students to develop research skills in an institution committed to research excellence and Welsh-medium teaching. The ability to communicate with native speaker fluency in Welsh and English orally and in writing is essential for the purposes of this scholarship.
Applications are invited from enthusiastic individuals with a good academic record. The successful candidate will be expected to have at least an Upper Second Class Degree (or a predicted Upper Second Class Degree) in Law or a Masters degree in Law. We also invite applications from candidates who have graduated in another discipline, but who either have a Masters level qualification in Law, or experience of working in a legal or law-related field of employment.
This scholarship funded by the National Assembly for Wales via the Welsh Medium Teaching Development Centre as Part of Welsh Assembly Government's Welsh language strategy. The university also contributes financially to this scheme by contributing towards the scholarship holder's salary in the final year.
Informal enquiries to and application form available from: Ms Pamela Davies, Adran y Gyfraith a Throseddeg, Prifysgol Aberystwyth, Penglais, Aberystwyth, Ceredigion, SY23 3DY. Ffôn 01970 622712. Ffacs 01970 622729. Ebost: law-enquiries@aber.ac.uk
Closing date April 7th, 2008.
Hybu Rhagoriaeth Mewn Addysgu ac Ymchwil/Promoting Excellence in Teaching and Research.