Green Award

Alan Stephens and Jim Wallace
01 February 2008
The University's highly successful lilac bag recycling initiative has been highly commended at the Aber First Awards, a new award scheme designed to acknowledge best practice and excellence displayed by individuals, organisations and businesses in Aberystwyth.
The lilac bag scheme was introduced to all campus halls of residence in September 2007 following a successful pilot study at the University's seafront residences. 200 waste recycler sack holders were introduced into kitchen areas and the results have been outstanding with over 1.75 tonnes of refuse being recycled in the first three weeks alone.
The project was developed by Alan Stephens, Head of House Services in conjunction with Ceredigion County Council. “This award acknowledges the work that staff has put into making this scheme work, and awareness amongst students of the need to recycle, and it is pleasing to note that they are making every effort to use the system.
Within only four weeks of the recyclers more kitchen refuse was being recycled in the lilac bags than sent to landfill in conventional black bin liners.”
The development has also received the backing of Jenny Mace, Environment and Ethics Officer at the Aberystwyth Guild of Students.
“This is a welcome step forward. Recycling schemes need to take human nature into account which means convenience is a key factor. The more convenient the green system is the more people are likely to use it, something which is reflected in the success of the lilac bag scheme.”
Alan Stephens received the Aber First Award on behalf of the University at the Barclays Aber First Awards ceremony which was held on Friday 1st February at the Conrah Hotel.
Pictured: Alan Stephens (left), Head of House Services, and Jim Wallace, Director of Residential Services with the ‘Highly Commended Certificate’.