Promoting contemporary literature

Left to Right. Francesca Rhydderch, Editor, New Welsh Review; Professor Jem Poster, Chair of Creative Writing, UWA, and Richard Davies, Managing Director, Parthian at the launch.
28 March 2007
Promoting contemporary literature
The Department of English at the University of Wales, Aberystwyth has entered into a new collaborative agreement with the prestigious literary quarterly New Welsh Review, and the highly successful Welsh independent publisher Parthian, to enhance the profile of contemporary literature within the University and beyond.
As part of this arrangement, which was celebrated at a reception on Tuesday 20 March, both the New Welsh Review and Parthian now have a base on the Penglais campus. One particularly exciting aspect of this arrangement for the Department is that it facilitates the setting up of regular work placements with both partners, for the benefit of its creative writing students.
In a speech welcoming the new development and those associated with it, Professor Jem Poster, Chair of Creative Writing at the Department of English, drew attention to the importance of Aberystwyth and its university as a centre of literary enterprise and suggested that this high reputation would be further reinforced over the coming years.
Among those present at the reception were Francesca Rhydderch, editor of New Welsh Review; Richard Davies, Managing Director of Parthian; Sue Fisher, Development and Administrative Manager, New Welsh Review; Jasmine Donohaye, Fiction and Poetry Editor at Parthian; Professor Tim Woods, Head of the Department of English; and Professor Poster.