Sport and Exercise Science PhD bursary

Carwyn James Building
18 June 2007
Monday 18 June, 2007
Sport and Exercise Science PhD bursary
The Department of Sport and Exercise Science is inviting applications for a 3 year PhD bursary worth £12,300 plus fees. The closing date for applications is Friday 22 June.
This is an exciting opportunity for a well-motivated student with an interest in sport and exercise physiology to join the University of Wales, Aberystwyth, located on the west coast in a region of outstanding natural beauty.
Department of Sport and Exercise Science is housed in a purpose built laboratory complex offering well-equipped facilities and a vibrant research culture. The laboratories are equipped with a range of ergometers including Woodway treadmills, Lode cycle ergometers, isokinetic dynamometer, Jaeger on-line systems, and an environmental chamber.
Please see follow the link on the right for the Department of Sport and Exercise Science webpage.
The scholarship holders will be expected to contribute up to six hours a week towards the Department's teaching activities.
Applications are particularly welcome from students with an interest in one of the following areas:
• Exercise and pulmonary function in health and disease
• Inflammatory response to physical activity in health and disease
• O2 kinetics as a determinant of severe intensity exercise performance
• Sport and Exercise Nutrition
• Exercise Immunology
Applications should be made through the Postgraduate Admissions Office. Please follow the link on the right for the Postgraduate Admissions Office.
Insert SES studentship where your source of funding is asked. You should include a research proposal of up to 1,000 words to demonstrate where your interests lie.
Informal enquiries are welcomed. Please contact the Head of Department, Professor John Barrett on or telephone 01970 621545.