Big Brother star to visit university library

Glyn Wise
01 February 2007
Big Brother star to visit university library
Welsh reality TV star Glyn Wise will be visiting the Hugh Owen library on Tuesday 6th February as part of a Wales-wide campaign to encourage more people to use their local library.
His visit is part of a month-long campaign, entitled ‘Welsh Libraries – Something to Shout About', which will see famous Welsh faces taking part in events at libraries all over Wales to promote the whole range of library services on offer.
The visit is being organised Elizabeth Kensler from Information Services. She said: “We have so much to offer students here at the university library, from access to textbooks to support assignments, a wide range of online information resources providing newspaper and periodical articles, to library and IT training and advice for their studies there is something for everyone.”
During his time in the library Glyn will receive a specially made library card for use in the library, spend some time issuing books to students, and attend a question and answer session in the library. There will also be an opportunity for students to get his autograph.
Glyn will be available to sign autographs outside the Hugh Owen library between 12.45 and 1 on Tuesday. He is at the Aberystwyth town library in the morning.