Easter and Summer Term public lecture programme unveiled
01 March 2006
Wednesday 15 February, 7 pm
Gregynog Public Lecture
Speaker: Professor David Crystal
Venue: A14, Hugh Owen Building
Title: Preserving the Tongue that Shakespeare Spoke
Thursday, 16 February, 7.45pm
The Stapledon Society Public Lecture
(Arranged by the Institute of Rural Sciences)
Speaker: Professor David Kay
Venue: Room W8, Llanbadarn Campus
Title: Agriculture and Pollution
Wednesday 22 February, 7pm
Inaugral Lecture
Speaker: Professor Jamie Newbold, Institute of Rural Sciences
Venue: A12, Hugh Owen Building
Title: Putting Brakes on the Belching Bovines
Wednesday 22 February, 7.30pm
Aberystwyth Post International Group Public Lecture
(Arranged by the Department of International Politics)
Speaker: Professor Steve Smith, University of Exeter
Venue: Old Hall, Old College
Title: The Discipline of International Relations
Thursday, 23 February 2006, 6.15pm
Aberystwyth Linguistics Forum
(Arranged by the Department of European Languages)
Speaker: Dr Nicola McClelland, Nottingham University
Venue: A14, Hugh Owen Building
Title: Letters, Sounds and Shapes in early Modern German and Dutch Linguistic Reflection
Wednesday, 1 March 2005, 7pm
J B Willans Lecture
Speaker: Professor Paul Richards
Venue: Old Hall, Old College
Title: New War: The Habitat, Economy and Sociology of Contemporary Violent Conflicts
Monday, 6 March, 7.30pm
Aberystwyth Science Cafe Public Lecture
(Arranged by the Institute of Grassland and Environmental Research (IGER) and the Aberystwyth Arts Centre)
Speaker: Professor Neil Jones, Institute of Biological Sciences
Venue: Theatre Bar area, Aberystwyth Arts Centre
Title: Genetics explained - Plants, Genes and People
Please Note: This lecture will form a part of a day-long event, organised by IGER, to introduce the mysteries of genetics to secondary school students and the general public.
Wednesday, 15 March, 7pm
Walter Idris Jones Memorial Lecture
(to be given in Welsh; simultaneous translation available)
Speaker: Mr Andrew Hawke, Geiriadur Prifysgol Cymru
Venue: Old Hall, Old College
Title: Grymuso Geiriau: Geiriaduron a'r Dechnoleg Newydd
Thursday, 16 March, 7pm
Security Research Group Public Lecture
(Arranged by the Department of International Politics)
Speaker: Paul Rogers
Venue: Seddon Room, Old College
Title: TBC
Tuesday, 28 March, 7pm
O'Donnell Annual Lecture
Speaker: Professor James Mitchell, Strathclyde University
Venue: Old Hall, Old College
Title: The Rise of Nationalism and the Decline of the British Keynesian Welfare State
Monday, 3 April, 7.30pm
Aberystwyth Science Cafe Public Lecture
(Arranged by the Institute of Grassland and Environmental Research (IGER) and the Institute of Rural Sciences)
Speaker: Professor Janis Antonovics, University of Virginia, USA
Venue: Theatre Bar area, Aberystwyth Arts Centre
Title: Vaccination - have we achieved what there is to achieve (an evolutionary biologist's view of vaccination)
Monday, 24 April, 7pm
Department of Computer Science Public Lecture
Speaker: Professor Alan Bundy, Edinburgh University
Venue: Physics Main Lecture Theatre
Title: Dynamic Ontologies and the Semantic Web
Monday, 24 April
David Davies Memorial Institute Annual Lecture
(Arranged by the Department of International Politics)
Speaker: Sir Jeremy Greenstock
Venue: TBC
Title: TBC
Tuesday, 9 May
Aberystwyth Post International Group Public Lecture
(Arranged by the Department of International Politics)
Speaker: Veronique Pin-Fat, University of Manchester
Venue: TBC
Title: Universality, Ethics and International Relations
Wednesday, 10 May, 7pm
Sir D Owen Evans Memorial Lecture
Speaker: Professor Julia Briggs, De Montford University, Leicester
Venue: A14, Hugh Owen Building
Title: Imagining the Barbarians