Travel and Conflict in the Medieval and Early Modern World
14 September 2015
Dr Gabor Gelléri of the Department of Modern Languages co-organized, alongside Dr Rhun Emlyn from the Department of History and Welsh History, and Professor Andrew Hiscock and Dr Rachel Willie from the English Department of Bangor University, a 3-day conference (3-5 September) under the title “Travel and Conflict in the Medieval and Early Modern World”.
The event was organized by the Institute of Medieval and Early Modern Studies, a joint Aberystwyth-Bangor institute running under the Strategic Alliance partnership between the two universities.
Dr Gelléri has recently taken over as Aberystwyth co-director of this institute.
The event attracted over 50 scholars from five continents. Plenaries were given by Professor Judith Jesch (Nottingham) on Viking mobility; Professor Sebastian Sobecki (Groningen) on Margery Kempe, and by Professor Daniel Carey (National University of Ireland, Galway) on travel and utopia.
You can read an account of the events on this Storify http://bit.ly/1MigX2X based on the conference-related Twitter exchanges. The selected proceedings of the conference will be published.