Invited speaker

23 May 2013

Dr Wini Davies will be the main speaker at this year's Welsh-medium Modern Languages Conference in Gregynog on June 20/21, 2013. She will speak (in Welsh) on 'Standard German in the classroom - the teachers' dilemma'.

On November 29, 2013 at 6 pm Dr Wini Davies will give a talk (in German) at the Gesellschaft fuer deutsche Sprache in London on "Die Rolle von Mythen bei der Produktion  sprachlicher Normen".>>more information

Dr Wini Davies was invited (with Dr Nils Langer, Bristol) to give a lecture at the annual conference of the Institut fuer Deutsche Sprache in Mannheim, one of the main research institutes in the German-speaking world. The topic of the lecture was:

Normbewusstsein im Spannungsfeld zwischen Sprachwirklichkeit, Perzeption und Idealnorm oder: Das Dilemma der Lehrer.

>>more information

Dr Wini Davies was an invited speaker at the workshop on Foundations for the Methodology of Research into Standard Varieties held at the Charles University Prague on November 29 - December 1. She spoke on 'Was ist der Gegenstand der Standardvarietaetenforschung? Versuch einer kritischen Annaeherung'. For more information see: http://german.ff.cuni.cz