Lecture Salzburg

14 September 2012

By Professor Hans GOEBL, University of Salzburg 
'Introduction aux problèmes et méthodes de l’« Ecole dialectométrique de Salzbourg »' (avec des exemples gallo‐, italo‐ et ibéroromans) on Wednesday 29th February, 5.00 p.m., Hugh Owen A14.

Professor Goebl is the creator of the ALD : Atlant linguistich dl ladin dolomitich y di dialec vejins I + II / Atlante linguistico del ladino dolomitico e dei dialetti limitrofi I + II / Linguistic Atlas of Dolomitic Ladinian and neighbouring dialects
(Hugh Owen Library: ATLAS G1989.22.D6E3.G5 , ex dono auctoris) and founder of the pioneering “Salzburg school” of dialectometry (which has developed a methodology for the mathematical measurement of dialectal distance)