2010 and Earlier
Trotter Grant
Professor David Trotter has been awarded £66,353 as the Aberystwyth element of a joint Heidelberg-Aberystwyth grant from the AHRC and the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG). The grant, to run 2009-2012, will fund a researcher (Jennifer Gabel) who will work for two years in Heidelberg, on the Dictionnaire étymologique de l'ancien français (DEAF) and one year in Aberystwyth on the Anglo-Norman Dictionary (AND). Ms Gabel will at the same time be editing the Anglo-Norman translation of Baudri de Bourgueil's chronicle of the First Crusade, for a Heidelberg doctorate. In addition to what it will bring in concrete terms to the DEAF and to the AND, the grant is also a formalisation of a close long-standing collaboration between the two projects.
Department of Modern Languages, Aberystwyth University, Hugh Owen Building, Penglais, Aberystwyth, Ceredigion, SY23 3DY
Tel: Department: +44 (0)1970 622552 Admissions: +44 (0)1970 622021 Email: modernlangs@aber.ac.uk