2010 and Earlier

Trotter Grant

Professor David Trotter has been awarded £66,353 as the Aberystwyth element of a joint Heidelberg-Aberystwyth grant from the AHRC and the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG).

Trotter Paper

Paper by Professor Trotter ‘La operacio de ma, so es cyrurgia: Prolégomènes à un glossaire au premier livre de l’Albucasis en occitan’Atelier franco-allemand Sciences et langues au Moyen Âge, Paris, January 2009.

Inner Animal Conference

Our Inner Animal and Theories of Creativity Aberystwyth University 11 - 12 September 2008

Notre Animal Intérieur et les Théories de la Créativité Aberystwyth University 11 - 12 Septembre 2008

Further information

Doctoral/Post-Doctoral Summer School

Professor Trotter has been invited to give a course of lectures on the Histoire sociolinguistique de l'anglo-normand at the Summer School of Linguistics and Romance Philology run by the Istituto Italiano di Scienze Umane and the Société de Lingu

Award Davies

Dr. Wini Davies has been awarded £2,322 from the University Research Fund to allow her to spend time at the Institute for German Language in Mannheim (Germany) setting up the project 'Use of Language Reference Works By Lay People'. Further information

International Partnership

Créé en octobre 2004 à l'initiative de sept partenaires fondateurs (Université d'Ottawa, École Normale Supérieure Lettres et Sciences humaines, Université de Stuttgart, Université de Zürich, Laboratoire ATILF, Université du Pays de Galles, École nationale des chartes)


Professor David Trotter has been awarded £66,353 as the Aberystwyth element of a joint Heidelberg-Aberystwyth grant from the AHRC and the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG). The grant, to run 2009-2012, will fund a researcher (Jennifer Gabel) who will work for two years in Heidelberg, on the Dictionnaire étymologique de l'ancien français (DEAF) and one year in Aberystwyth on the Anglo-Norman Dictionary (AND). Ms Gabel will at the same time be editing the Anglo-Norman translation of Baudri de Bourgueil's chronicle of the First Crusade, for a Heidelberg doctorate. In addition to what it will bring in concrete terms to the DEAF and to the AND, the grant is also a formalisation of a close long-standing collaboration between the two projects.


Our Inner Animal and Theories of Creativity Aberystwyth University 11 - 12 September 2008

Notre Animal Intérieur et les Théories de la Créativité Aberystwyth University 11 - 12 Septembre 2008

Further information


Paper by Professor Trotter ‘La operacio de ma, so es cyrurgia: Prolégomènes à un glossaire au premier livre de l’Albucasis en occitan’Atelier franco-allemand Sciences et langues au Moyen Âge, Paris, January 2009.

Doctoral/Post-Doctoral Summer School

Professor Trotter has been invited to give a course of lectures on the Histoire sociolinguistique de l'anglo-normand at the Summer School of Linguistics and Romance Philology run by the Istituto Italiano di Scienze Umane and the Société de Lingu

Other contributors:
istique Romane
 19-25 June 2008 in Procida (Naples)

Martin-D. Glessgen (Zürich)
Max Pfister (Saarbrücken) 
Emilio Ridruejo (Valladolid) 
Gilles Roques (Nancy)
Fernando Sánchez Miret (Salamanca)
Rosanna Sornicola (Napoli)

Further information


International Partnership

Consortium for Corpora of Medieval French

Créé en octobre 2004 à l'initiative de sept partenaires fondateurs (Université d'Ottawa, École Normale Supérieure Lettres et Sciences humaines, Université de Stuttgart, Université de Zürich, Laboratoire ATILF, Université du Pays de Galles, École nationale des chartes), ce consortium s'est formé autour de la pratique d'échanges réguliers de textes médiévaux, des questions liées à l'élaboration des bases de données textuelles et des problématiques de recherche communes sur ces textes. 

The text corpus which forms part of the Anglo-Norman Hub Project (funded by the AHRC) is a part of this substantial international project, led from the ENS-LSH Lyon) which seeks, inter alia:


  • to establish a common taxonomy and universal identification system for all medieval French texts;
  • to integrate and make reciprocally searchable different textual corpora in France, Germany, the UK, the Netherlands, Switzerland, and Canada);
  • to make it possible (through the shared taxonomy) to search for particular linguistic features (lexical, grammatical, graphical ...) in selected text categories (e.g. by date, location, genre, form ...).


Dr. Wini Davies has been awarded £2,322 from the University Research Fund to allow her to spend time at the Institute for German Language in Mannheim (Germany) setting up the project 'Use of Language Reference Works By Lay People'. Further information