Arlunio i Bawb


This is a Welsh medium course: Drawing for All: A practical introduction to 2D art and design media, techniques and skills.

Key Facts







Language: Welsh

Duration: 4 sessions 

Number of Credits: 10

Tutor: Kim James-Williams

Learning Method: In-person 

Level: This module is at CQFW Level 4

Module Code: XK18310

Fee: Free - Fee Waiver Scheme available  (See conditions below) 

Thanks to financial support from 'Medr' through the Fee Waiver Scheme, learners and Welsh speakers who live in Wales (and do not study at a university), are allowed to study this course for free.

Due to the nature of the course, there are limited numbers available so it will be first come, first served!

To begin your application please complete the Fee Waiver application form: Lifelong Learning Fee Waiver Application Form  (Academic Year 2024 - 2025)

Location: Lord Milford Building, Gogerddan Campus.

Course Dates: 

03/06/2025, 10/06/2025, 17/06/2025, 24/06/2025


6pm - 9pm  



Manylion am y cwrs

A oes diddordeb gyda ti mewn celf ond dim yn siwr sut i ddechrau?

Neu efallai bod ti’n dychwelyd i’r byd celf a wedi colli hyder, neu falle moyn sialens, dysgu sgiliau newydd, a hynny mewn awyrgylch ymlaciol.

Mae’r cwrs hwn yn rhoi cyfle i fyfyrwyr archwilio, dysgu a datblygu sgiliau sylfaenol celf sy’n cynnwys braslunio (pensil, siarcol ac inc) a phaentio (blas o dyrfliw, acrylig a collage).

Bydd pedwar sesiwn wyneb i wyneb yn darparu cyfle i arbrofi gyda amriw cyfryngau a dysgu am eu priodweddau gwahanol. Bydd tasgau focws i gyflwyno technegau, syniadau i brosiectau byr a chyfle i estynnu ac ymarfer dy hoff sgil newydd i greu darn o waith celf. Bydd cyflwyniad i termau celfyddol a cyfryngau gwahanol.