Introduction to British Sign Language


Key Facts


Delivery Language: English  

Duration:  22 Hours

Number of Credits: 20

Tutor: Bernadette Ellis

Learning Method: Online / In person

Level: This module is at CQFW Level 4

Module Code: ​XR18120

Fee: £150.00 - Fee Waiver Scheme available

This course is available to book.


Entry Requirements

This course is aimed at absolute beginners and will introduce students to British Sign Language.


The main rationale for this proposal is to provide an opportunity for participants to become familiar with the basics in British Sign Language (BSL) needed to communicate with the Deaf.  This module will provide the foundation for future study where the skills learnt can be expanded upon and developed further. The module is likely to appeal to a range of people, including PGCE students, teachers, and those who wish to learn an additional language. The module is likely to increase the employability of participants.

This module will provide students with the ability to communicate everyday topics with deaf people using British Sign Language (BSL).

To enable students to communicate everyday topics with deaf people using British Sign Language.

 The content for this module will focus on five specific areas.

  • Basic conversational communication skills
  • Appropriate knowledge of numbers
  • How to sign about the weather
  • Talking about different modes of transport
  • Learning how to give basic directions to local amenities.

Teaching and Learning 

You will be working in groups or pairs with the emphasis of the course being on participation and practice. Our aim is to develop student skills using communicative language and you will be encouraged to actively participate in class through various friendly activities designed to stimulate communication.

We recommend that you spend time between the lessons, revising and practising what has been done in class.

Learning Outcomes

On completion of this module, students should be able to: 

  1. Understand and use a limited range of simple words and sentences in BSL
  2. Take part in simple, everyday conversations in BSL
  3. Give and follow simple directions or instructions in BSL
  4. Give and follow simple familiar statements or descriptions in BSL.
  5. Reflect on bibliography (Research), communication strategies, personal progression, and attitudes.


Recorded Assignment (70%): 

  • Student will interact with the teacher for 5 minutes.
  • This assignment must include all aspects of the syllabus for this module.
  • This assignment will be recorded on video.

 Learning Portfolio (30%) which would include: 

  • Transcription exercise from written to BSL or BSL to written.
  • Basic conversation / presentation (No BSL) as a result of the learning during the course. This will be recorded on video.
  • Reflection:
  • Reflection on Research documentation on BSL and hearing impairments
  • Reflection on personal progression during the course
  • Reflection on interaction strategies on BSL

To award credits we need to have evidence of the knowledge and skills you have gained or improved. Some of this has to be in a form that can be shown to external examiners so that we can be absolutely sure that standards are met across all courses and subjects.

Reading Suggestions

A full reading list can be found via the link below:

Introduction to British Sign Language

Route progression

Students who successfully complete the module should feel that they have a good introductory command of British Sign Language and should be able to proceed to Conversational British Sign Language or equivalent.

What Do I Need? 

This course can be delivered as an online scheduled session course or as a face-to-face course.

If you are enrolling on the online scheduled session course, you would need the following: 

  • Internet access. 
  • Access to a laptop or computer with a web camera and microphone; the use of headphones might also benefit. 
  • Use of the Chrome web browser where possible. 

If you are enrolling on the face-to-face course, you will need the following:

  • Pen and paper/notebook or access to digital equipment to take notes.