Poetry Writing 1


Poetry Writing 1can be studied as a stand-alone course and it is an optional course for the Certificate of Higher Education in Creative Writing at Aberystwyth University. 

Key Facts 


Language: English 

Duration: 10 weeks

Number of Credits: 10

Tutor: Lara Clough

Learning Method: Online

Level: This module is at CQFW Level 4

Module Code: XE12310

Fee: £130.00 - Fee Waiver Scheme available

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This course is for people who want to start writing poetry, or, who are doing so already, but consider themselves inexperienced. Students will be given the opportunity to learn about the elements of poetic form and technique and begin to build a portfolio of their own work. They are encouraged to write between sessions and receive supportive feedback on their poems.   


Activities and tasks will be embedded into each unit so students can practise the techniques they have learned and develop their skills. Students will be encouraged to share their own work and participate in discussions on Blackboard. Alongside the learning materials on Blackboard the tutor will be on hand via email to answer any queries and provide guidance throughout the course. They will also participate in the online discussions.    

  • Unit 1 - Basic elements of poetic form, including shape, sound, stanza, line, end stopping and enjambment.   
  • Unit 2 - Playing with words, word hoards: assonance, alliteration, repetition. Reading aloud. 
  • Unit 3 - Writing within simple structures, using lists.
  • Unit 4 - Writing from personal experience, using all the senses. 
  • Unit 5 - Introduction to metre, rhythm, and rhyme. 
  • Unit 6 - Using imagery, metaphor and simile.  
  • Unit 7 - Exploring the writing process, choices to make, example of editing by local published poet.
  • Unit 8 - Exploring voice, the fictive first person, with a look at Carol Ann Duffy Dolphins and Mirror by Sylvia Plath.
  • Unit 9 - Drawing the different strands together, finding your own voice, publishing opportunities.    

Live TEAMS session- Let’s Celebrate, at the end of the module the tutor will hold a live webinar to bring all the strands of the module together and students can submit questions. 

Learning Outcomes 

On completion of this module, students should be able to:   

  1. Demonstrate the interplay between form and content in poetry.    
  2. Demonstrate the use of figurative language.    
  3. Identify and employ a range of poetic techniques, including rhythm and verbal patterning.    
  4. Write within certain basic structures and in different narrative voices.    
  5. Discuss and evaluate the development of own and others’ work.   


  1. Creative Writing Portfolio 2000 words, to include critical reflection on the development of; and presentation of three poems which are written in different narrative voices. (100%).  

Reading Suggestions 

Reading suggestions will be offered throughout the course.  

Entry Requirements 

This course is for everyone. No previous experience is needed and there are no formal entry requirements.  

What Do I Need? 

As this is an online course, you would need the following: 

  • Internet access.
  • Access to a laptop or computer with a web camera and microphone; the use of headphones might also be of benefit.
  • Use of the Chrome web-browser where possible.