Figure to Landscape: The Interplay of Form

Course Details

Module Code: XA16010

Class Code: CA309

Place: School Of Art

Venue: Aberystwyth

Day: Mon-Thurs

Start Time: 10am

End Time: 3.30pm

Start Date: 30-06-2025

End Date: 03-07-2025

Tutor: Webster, Paul(Mr)

Other Date(s):

Full Fee: £160.00

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Using charcoal and dry pastels students will introduce and develop a series of interrelated images exploring the synthesis of landscape and figure. Emphasis will be placed on sound observational drawing as a base for re-interpreting the subject as a non-figurative image using composite shapes, texture, pattern, line and aerial perspective. Seminars on the abstraction of the figure in relation to the landscape will be placed in context through a series of discussions. There will be opportunities to view works by artists who have used such an approach and reference them in view of their own work.. It is strongly advised for students to show experience of life drawing and charcoal before embarking on this course.


This module is at CQFW Level 4