Sketchbook Studies: A Slate Experience


Sketchbook Studies: A Slate Experience can be studied as a stand-alone course and it is an optional course for the Certificate of Higher Education in Art and Design at Aberystwyth University.

Key Facts


Language: English

Duration: TBC

Number of Credits: 10

Tutor: Veronica Calarco 

Learning Method: Face-to-face

Level: This module is at CQFW Level 4

Module Code: XA12410

Fee: £130.00 - Fee Waiver Scheme available 

This course is available to book.



Through this fun course students learn how to make and fill a variety of sketchbook types including ‘scrappy,’ ‘pepo’ and maize books whilst also developing the techniques and processes of keeping a sketchbook journal. We will experiment with a range of tonal and coloured sketching materials and methods and learn about the creative potential of the drawing process and quality of line. It would be suitable for gardeners, travellers, artist’s and botanical illustrators and no previous artistic experience is required. This course will be taught through on-location teaching with outdoor sketching sessions. The course is taught on the theme of slate. Topics covered will be sketchbook making techniques, 360-degree view, composition and observational skills, colour theory, extracting essential structure of chosen topic

Learning Outcomes

On completion of this module, students should be able to:  

  1. To offer an introduction to the processes and techniques of drawing and gathering data from the field, encouraging correct vocabulary and grammar specific to recording a three-dimensional space.
  2. To develop creative potential by offering experience in a wide variety of drawing media.
  3. To develop skills in objective drawing, recording and expression on a specific theme.


The first day will include a PowerPoint lecture. On each day, we will make a small sketch book. Each book will explore a simple technique of book binding. This course will involve hiking of between 1-2 miles so please wear comfortable clothes and boots suitable for hiking and drawing outside. Rain wear is highly recommended.


  1. Identify concepts, processes and techniques employed by other artists and apply them to their own work.
  2. Demonstrate different drawing techniques and processes by means of a hand-made working sketchbook.
  3. Demonstrate an awareness of the role and different styles of sketchbook in the artistic process and relate it to their own work.
  4. Evidence a capacity for independent study, self-motivation, and organization, and working to a brief.

Reading Suggestions

Develop a contextual awareness of artists who use sketchbooks, for example:

  • D Tress, H Moore
  • J Constable
  • J Ruskin
  • C Tunnicliffe
  • Van Gogh
  • JMW Turner
  • D Gentleman
  • P Osborne
  • Durer

Entry Requirements

This course is for everyone. No previous experience is needed and there are no formal entry requirements.

What Do I Need?

A list of materials, not included in the course fees, will be available prior to the course start date.