Living Willow


Living Willow can be studied as a stand-alone course and it is a level 0 course for the Certificate of Higher Education in Art and Design at Aberystwyth University.

Key Facts


Language: English

Duration: TBC

Number of Credits: 05

Tutor: Veronica Calarco

Learning Method: Face-to-face

Level: This module is at CQFW Level 4

Module Code: XA04105

Fee: £100.00 - Fee Waiver Scheme available 


This short level 0 course in Living Willow Sculpture is designed as an introduction to planting and growing willow with the purpose to create art in the environment. It also offers an opportunity to investigate how artists have made an impact on the landscape and put their own work in context.  Students will design and make a living outside chair for an environment of their choice. The chair will reflect the personal design of its maker and will need to be maintained by clipping.


During this course the students will use willow as a building material to make and design a chair. During this process they will explore possible forms and structures which can be built and secured using living willow and investigate the limitations of size and scale when using living willow and the joining methods that can be used. Students will learn how to establish and maintain the sculpture in a healthy growing state in a manageable form and investigate suitable species and planting methods.


  1. A portfolio of drawings, design, and construction, and self directed study (80%)
  2. A visual diary of supporting material including art historical/contemporary study (20%) 

Reading Suggestions

  • Herbert Read, A Concise History of Modern Sculpture, Thames and Hudson, 1974
  • Bernard and Regula Verdet-Fierz, Willow Basketry, Interweave Press, Loveland Colorado,1993
  • Ian Simpson, Drawing: seeing and observation, Black, 1990
  • Braster, Parfitt, Wynter and Youdale, Cultivation and Use of Basket Willows, The Basketmakers Association and IACR Long Ashton Research Station, 2001

Entry Requirements

This course is for everyone. No previous experience is needed and there are no formal entry requirements.

What Do I Need?

A list of materials, not included in the course fees, will be available prior to the course start date.