Printing, copying and scanning
Aberystwyth University operates a 'follow-me' print service which means:
- when you send your file to print it goes onto a central queue
- you can then go to any printer-copier and login to release your print job. This means that if the nearest printer-copier is in use you can go and use another.
- all computers in libraries, computer rooms and staff offices are automatically connected to the central print queue
- you can connect your own device to the central print queue
All printer-copiers offer
- Mono and Colour
- A4 and A3
- double sided (default) and single sided
- printing direct from your own computer
- printing direct from your mobile device
- printing from email
- printing via the web from wherever you are
- scanning to email
- scanning to filestore
- scanning on OneDrive
- OCR scanning
Paying for printing and photocopying
- Students pay from their Aber Card balance. Top up your Aber Card here
- Staff printing, for work purposes, is billed in arrears to their department
- Staff printing, for personal use, is paid from their Aber Card balance
- Scanning is free
Further information on the print service can be found in our printing faqs
Printing, copying and scanning charges - self service
Size | Black & white printing & copying | From 01 January 2024 | Colour printing & copying | From 01 January 2024 | Scanning |
A4 | 2p | 3p | 4p | 5p | Free |
A3 | 3p | 4p | 5p | 6p | Free |