Miss Sian Davies

Institute Development Project Manager
Contact Details
- Email: sid23@aber.ac.uk
- Office: 2.20, Stapledon Building
- Phone: +44 (0) 1970 623111 (x3312)
- Research Portal Profile
Prior to joining IBERS as the Institute Strategic Project Manager (July 2022), Sian worked as the European Development Officer in the Research, Business & Innovation (RBI) Department offering pre-award support to European funding applications (2016-2022).
Sian also part time project managed another IBERS project BIOREVIEW - a Newton Bhabba / Innovate project between 2018 and 2021.
Before joining RBI Sian worked as Project Manager on a 3 year Climate KIC Innovation project funded by the European Institute of Innovation & Technology at IBERS, Aberystwyth University (2014 - 2017). She has an Applied Science Degree in Chemistry and Environmental Pollution Science and has experience in quality roles in water and pharmaceutical industries.
Sian also has over 10 years commercial experience of working for an international specialist healthcare company (Protherics, a BTG company) that provided specialty pharmaceuticals for commercial sale in numerous countries. As Senior Quality Assurance Officer she was responsible for ensuring compliance with regulatory bodies – FDA and MHRA (U.S. Food and Drug Administration and Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency).
Additional Information
Sian Davies is a full time Strategic Project Manager at IBERS, working across multiple teams to enhance IBERS' reputation and identity as a research led institute. The role involves aligning to a new structure that maps onto the organisational development and culture objectives enabling IBERS to adapt to the changing priorities for agricultural research. Sian supports the monitoring, evaluation and reporting of strategic science and knowledge exchange at IBERS.