AberSU Celebrates Staff and Students Shortlist

18 March 2019
AberSU Celebrates Staff and Students Shortlist
It’s been a couple of weeks since we held the shortlisting panel for the AberSU Staff and Students Awards. The panel consisted of Megan Hatfield (Academic Affairs Officer), Katie Love (Academic Rep), Joao Louro (Faculty Rep), Chloe Wilkinson-Silk (Faculty Rep), Pippa Jones (Academic Rep) and Tim Woods (PVC Learning, Teaching and Student Experience) who met to go through every one of your 280 nominations! A shortlist of nominees has been selected and winners of each of the 15 awards chosen.
All AberSU Celebrates Week Awards are student led from nomination to presentation and so are a special way to thank staff and students at Aberystwyth University for their amazing achievements, support and hard work.
We are pleased to announce the shortlist for the 2019 AberSU Staff and Students Awards are:
Next Step Award
Lorraine Spencer
Ian Birchmore
Christina Evans
Volunteer Officer of the Year
Winner to be announced on the night
Postgraduate Teacher of the Year
Angharad Ffion James
Sagar Murdeshwar
Supervisor of the Year
Björn Weiler
Ally Evans
Karl Hoffmann
Sarah Riley
Outstanding Feedback Award
Simon Payne
Ugochukwu Lawrence Obibuaku
Student Mentor of the Year
Jana Wattenberg
Jayne Elizabeth Kamintzis
Panna Karlinger
Personal Tutor of the Year
Brendan Coyle
Aloysius Igboekwu
Andrew Evans
Iain Chalmers
Hyrwyddwr yr Iaith Gymraeg (Welsh Language Champion)
Winner to be announced on the night
Student Volunteer of the Year
Weronika Zapalska
Robin Church
Oliver Earl
Support / Service Staff Member of the Year
Tina Alaxander
Lorraine Spencer
Doug Kerr
Laura George
Academic Representative of the Year
Ffion Margetson
Aaron Phillips
Panna Karlinger
Jess Thompson
Leading Equality Award
Winner to be announced on the night
Lecturer of the Year
Gabor Gelleri
Martine Robson
Peadar Ó Muircheartaigh
Deena Bhoyroo
Saffron Passam
Department of the Year
Law and Criminology
Special Mention
Winner to be announced on the night
A huge congratulation to all shortlisted nominees. The AberSU Celebrates Staff and Students Awards ceremony will take place on Tuesday 2nd April 7.00pm in the Great Hall, Aberystwyth Arts Centre.
We hope to see many of you there for a great evening celebrating the hard work and dedication of Aberystwyth University students and staff!