BASES Student Conference

Lloyd Burgess's Poster Presentation at the BASES Student Conference
14 May 2015
Early on the morning of 31st March a minibus left Aberyswyth with Dr Rhys Thatcher and five third year Sport and Exercise Science students who were driving to Liverpool to attend the British Association of Sport and Exercise Science’s (BASES) Student Conference. Liam Barrie, Lloyd Burgess, Miles Cooper, Leon Hicks and Kerry Anne Williams were all supported by the University to attend the Conference, which was hosted by Liverpool John Moores University. Three (Liam, Lloyd and Miles) were presenting the results of their research dissertation with Lloyd and Miles opting to defend a poster while Liam presented orally. When asked to comment on the event our students were unanimous in their sentiment.
"The BASES student conference was interesting, entertaining and motivating throughout the two days we spent there. There were a variety of different sessions consisting of workshops, keynote speakers, presentations from undergraduate and postgraduate research projects and exhibitors from universities and sports companies.
Everyone there was keen to learn and make connections, which formed a great sense of community. A highlight of the event was how some of the major researchers, whose work we have read and referenced in many assignments, were at the event in full support of the undergraduates presenting their dissertation projects. Some key note speakers and leading experts in the field had flown from around the world from places like Qatar and Canada just to be there. There was a social event in the evening where we were able to socialise with other students from various universities. We all thoroughly enjoyed the event and would strongly recommended others to attend next year."
The University was pleased to support the students in attending the event and we will be encouraging our current second year students to attend the BASES event next year when it will be hosted by Bangor University.