IBERS lecturer introduces smart snails to Soapbox Science

Dr Sarah Dalesman
03 June 2015
Dr Sarah Dalesman, Leverhulme Trust Early Career Fellow and lecturer in IBERS, Aberystwyth University will presenting some of her work on learning and memory at Soapbox Science event in Swansea on the 6th June, and asking the question “Are snails intelligent?”
Sarah said: “I’ve been working on learning and memory using the pond snail for several years now. Soapbox Science is an amazing opportunity to talk about some of this work with the public in a fantastic accessible venue. I’m really pleased to have been chosen to speak.
“It gives the public the opportunity to come and learn about why I’m interested in snail memory, a topic that might not immediately seem relevant to everyone. I’m hoping to convince people that as well as being important to snails, studying their memory can also tell us something about how other animals’ minds work, including humans. As we’re up close and personal, just me and the box, everyone is welcome to ask questions, heckle and start debates! I’m really excited and just a little bit nervous to find out what people will have to say about my research”.
Soapbox Science aims to raise awareness of women currently working in science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM subjects), giving them the opportunity to present their science to the public at a series of events held around the country throughout the year. Sarah said: “I really hope this event will inspire some of our future female scientists to pursue their dreams! Women are currently underrepresented in the scientific community, but have so much to offer. It’s a fun and fascinating career, you never have a dull day. I want to encourage any young girls or women who think it might be the career for them to give it a go!”
Soapbox Science Swansea will take place between 12-4pm on Saturday 6th June at the 360 Beach and Watersports Café, Mumbles Road, Swansea. This is an ideal venue, allowing visitors to the event to enjoy a fun day out on the beach and get inspired by some of the leading female scientists in Wales.
Read more about Sarah’s involvement in Soapbox Science at http://soapboxscience.org/?p=1940
Follow Sarah’s preparations for Soapbox Science on twitter @Snail_memory or for more general updates about the event nationwide @SoapboxScience
Sarah is being sponsored to attend the event by NERC as part of their 50th Anniversary Summer of Science http://www.nerc.ac.uk/about/whatwedo/engage/public/anniversary/