Farm Business Survey in Wales: Statistical Results for 2013/2014

17 December 2014
The Institute of Biological, Environmental and Rural Sciences, Aberystwyth University has published its annual report Farm Business Survey in Wales: Statistical Results for 2013/2014. The Survey covered a representative sample of 569 farms with account years ending between December 2013 and April 2014 and therefore reflect farming conditions between January 2013 and April 2014. The published report provides detailed financial results by farm type and size, various measures of farm income, farm balance sheet data and gross margins for the main livestock enterprises in 2013/2014.
Tony O’Regan, Director of the FBS Unit at Aberystwyth University says that: “It is vital the reader understands that these results essentially represent the 2013 harvest year and they should not be allowed to detract from the extremely difficult trading conditions many farmers currently find themselves in. This is particular the case for dairy farmers with current milk prices some 5-6 pence per litre below the averages found in 2013/14 which effectively wipes out increases achieved on the previous year” He added: “Many farmers generously provide confidential data to the survey and the Institute would like to acknowledge their contribution”.
Data published includes:
Hill livestock farms
The all sizeshill sheep farm identical sample outputs fell by 3% whilst inputs increased by 4%, leading to a decrease in Farm Business Income of 26%.
On the all sizeshill cattle and sheep farm identical sample, the total value of outputs increased by 1% and inputs rose between the two years by 7%. Farm Business Income fell by 26% between the two years.
Upland and lowland livestock farms
The all sizesupland cattle and sheep farms in the identical sample recorded an increase in the value of outputs of 5% between 2012/2013 and 2013/2014, while inputs rose by 8%. The result was a decrease of 8% in Farm Business Income between years.
The value of outputs on the all sizeslowland cattle and sheep farms in the identical sample fell by 1% while inputs increased by 2%. Farm Business Income decreased between 2012/2013 and 2013/2014 by 9%.
Dairy farms
Results for all sizeshill & upland dairy farms in the identical sample show that the value of outputs rose by 16% and inputs rose by 8%, leading to an increase in Farm Business Income of 60%. Milk price rose from 27.40p per litre to 30.85p per litre during this period, a rise of 13%.
On the all sizeslowland dairy farms in the identical sample, the value of outputs and inputs increased by 17% and 7% respectively between 2012/2013 and 2013/2014. The result was an increase in Farm Business Income of 70%. Milk price rose from 28.56p per litre to 31.91p per litre during the period, an increase of 12%.