Training and Development

Please email   if you would like attend any of the courses

Course Times: Full Day - 09:30 - 16:30  - Half Day - 09:30 - 13:00

Recommended Training Modules for all staff

Please complete the following courses as part of your recommended staff training.

The courses can be done in one sitting or in 'bite-sized' chunks at their convenience. The quizzes contained within the programme must be completed for staff to finish the training and for it to be marked as completed/passed.

The courses are available in both Welsh and English.

    Other Training and Development

    The University regularly schedule other training and development courses for staff – you can find the latest list and further information here


    Foundation in Personal Financial Planning

    Foundation in Personal Financial Planning

    Date: 20/06/24

    Time: 12:00-13:30

    This event focuses on helping you understand and take control of your daily finances.  We cover the basics of budgeting; taxation; borrowing; mortgages; and savings.  By understanding the basics we can learn how to cope with a financial shock; understand how we can financially plan for our life choices; and help build greater clarity and security.

    Click here to register







    Financial Wellbeing



    Personal Budgeting














    Financial Resources



    Course overview and evaluation






    Chadwicks IFA

    Chartered Financial Planners

    Aurora - Leadership for Women

    Aurora is Advance HE's leadership development initiative for women.

    Aurora is run as a unique partnership, bringing together leadership experts and higher education institutions to take  positive actions to address the under-representation of women in leadership positions in the sector.

    Led by a team of leadership experts, participants explore four key areas associated with leadership success: Identity, Impact and Voice; Core Leadership; Politics and Influence, and Adaptive Leadership Skills.

    Aurora seeks to support women and their institutions to fulfil their leadership potential through thought provoking activities, collaborative problem-solving activities and motivating stories, supported by inspirational women role models. Participation embeds strong networks of early career women across the sector to share best practice, insights and experiences.


    How to book

    Speak with your Line Manager about participation in the Aurora programme as part of your ECS or your own personal development planning. Delegate fees will need to be funded by the department, and your Line Manager and University Aurora Champion can help you identify a mentor.

    Please contact our Aurora Champion, Dylan Jones,, for details on how to book and for any other enquiries.


    2024-25 Dates

    Bookings for Aurora 2024-25 are now open! Delegates are required to attend all session, both online and in-person. The Wales and South West England are due to start Thursday, 7 November 2024


    Bystander Training

    People experience hate and hostility in many ways including through harassment, bullying or belittling behaviour. It can have devastating effects, eroding confidence, affecting performance and relationships at work and at home. Often people affected suffer in silence fearing they will not be believed or do not want to cause a fuss or draw attention to themselves.

    Hate and hostile behaviour does not just manifest overnight and build up, which if interrupted can stop the escalation to harmful levels.

    If we want to work in inclusive places, live in safe neighbourhoods, study in supportive educational establishments, then we all must play a role in making this happen.

    Stand by Me training will help you to do this.

    Stand by Me addresses the barriers people have towards helping others when they witness harmful behaviours and attitudes in any environment.

    • It is an innovative approach to promoting inclusivity and challenging prejudice. Its unique features are:
      • Shifting the burden and responsibility and action from the person affected to those present that may witness it (Bystanders)
      • Encouraging everyone to play a role in contributing to tackling prejudice, however big or small.
      • Providing interventions that support the person affected as well as challenging the poor conduct.
    • With everyone on board and playing a role, Stand by Me sets the path to new social norms and organisational culture.
    • Social norms are the unspoken rules of behaviour considered acceptable in a group, organisation, or wider society.
    • They are determined by:
      • What you think others should be doing.
      • What you believe others think you should be doing
    • Social norms are maintained by our expectations of others’ approval or disapproval. Therefore, harmful behaviours becoming more acceptable and normalised makes this behaviour more prolific.
    • We need to show more disapproval so that expectations are challenged and changed to norms that do not harm anyone.7

    Core content

    Bystander training is informed by behavioural insights from the social sciences with empirically tested results, so they are more likely to encourage people to make better choices for themselves and society.

    Four elements cut across training:

    • Exploration of the spectrum of hate which shows how the early manifestations of negative biases can escalate to more harmful attitudes and behaviours.
    • Understanding the Bystander Effect and the barriers to action, which prevent us from helping others.
    • Real-life case studies that bring the content to life through exploring empathy and identifying potential interventions
    • Sharing our intervention framework from which everyone can find something they can do to intervene.

    This is a 3-hour programme that builds your knowledge, skills, and confidence to be an ally to those around you when others face prejudice or discrimination.

    • Increase your understanding of the different levels of hate
    • Increase your knowledge about the range of interventions that can be made
    • Improve your confidence in making an intervention that you feel comfortable with

    Dates: TBC

    Please email if you would like attend 


    Cultural Awareness Training

    Cultural Awareness Training: 

    The session forms part of the University’s commitment to tackling racism and to being actively anti-racist and compliments our work in delivering the University's Race Action Plan and the Welsh Government's Anti-racist Wales action plan. 

    The session will explore the importance of identity and belonging within higher education settings through open and honest discussions. Participants will have a better understanding of diverse communities and the various customs and traditions that reinforces a multicultural society.  

    Sensitive themes will be explored such as racial microaggressions and language. 

    Through group activities, participants will be able to critically think and understand the importance of influences and how this can lead to negative behaviour. 

    We will explore the opportunities towards being inclusive and share ideas on how this can be implemented in the context of ‘cynefin’.

    The aims

    • To raise the awareness and understanding of the impact of racism.
    • To empower staff to feel confident in challenging racism and promoting inclusion.
    • To increase the knowledge on promoting anti-racism practice within HE education.


    • 9.30am start
    • 11-11.10 Break
    • 12.30 Finish 

    We live in a very multicultural society and our university welcomes and reflects the diversity for many students and staff. Continuing our learning and understanding around culture and identity is essential within our institution.

    The Cultural Awareness Sessions are delivered as half day sessions and uses lived experiences, activities and vibrant discussions.

    Some of the areas that will be covered in the training are:

    • Understanding culture and why cultural diversity is important
    • Cultural norms (food, practices, societies)
    • Faith/Religion
    • Language
    • Adjusting to new culture and some of its challenges
    • Support/empathy
    • Forming/Avoiding stereotypes and bias

    The next training dates are

    • 15 July, 9:30am-12:30pm (in-person)

    If you would like to attend a training session please contact @Sheree-Ann Jonas

    Customer Care Excellence

    Course Overview

    • To equip delegates with the skills, knowledge and techniques to be able to provide excellent service to both internal and external customer.

    Learning Outcomes

    • Have an understanding of what constitutes excellent customer service when dealing with both internal and external customers
    • Recognise some of the pitfalls which can adversely affect customer relations
    • Understand the importance of excellent communication skills when dealing with customers
    • Recognise the customer service role as an ambassador for an organisation
    • Improve levels of confidence in customer facing roles

    Dates: TBC

    Delegation & Empowerment

    Delegation & Empowerment 

    • Course Aims:
    • To develop the skills and awareness needed to decide when and how to delegate and who to delegate tasks to. In addition, delegates will have the opportunity to identify the actions needed for teams and individuals to feel empowered.


    • Course Objectives:
      • Describe the importance of effective delegation of the individual, team, and organisation
      • Identify the difference between delegation and other management approaches and decide when delegation is, and is not, appropriate
      • List the potential barriers to delegation, both personal and organisational and have developed strategies to overcome these barriers
      • Apply skills of effective delegation to a case study and real-life scenario
      • Describe the key features of empowerment and have identified actions that they can take to increase the sense of empowerment at work

    Dates: TBC

    Please email   if you would like to attend

    Time: 09:30 - 16:30

    Financial planning for your retirement

    Financial planning for your retirement Financial Wellbeing Workshops & Webinars

    This event focuses on planning your finances for retirement.  We will provide an overview of your USS & L&G occupational pensions and the changes to these schemes. 

    We will help you understand the different types of pension plans you may have and relevant taxes; we share planning tips for retirement and beyond; and look at the importance of Wills and Power of Attorney.   We look at investments and the role of risk in combating inflation, and making your money last for your lifetime.

    This event is typically for people who are over 55 years old.

    Your partners are welcome too, as you have important choices ahead that you will want to plan together.

    Date: 21/05/24 

    Time: 13:00-16:00

    Click here to sign up



    Health & Wellbeing

    Care First offer a range of courses each month that are free to staff.   Simply follow the links below, or for more information, please go to our main information page here: Find out more about Care First services for staff or click on this link to gain access to the EAP pages

    What's on this month

    Weekly Publicity Calendar - 15 April 2024


    • Please be aware software ‘GoToWebinar’ is needed to join/view these webinars and may need to be downloaded
    • Please be assured that registrant information is held confidentially and your organisation is not notified of your attendance/non-attendance to these webinars. 

    Managing Difficult Conversations

    This course is designed to help participants develop skills and confidence to tackle challenging conversations, which may arise from managing change and/or performance of teams and individuals. 

    By the end of this course delegates will be able to: 

    • Identify why some conversations may be defined as difficult
    • Describe the steps involved in planning for these conversations
    • Demonstrate the skills needed for these conversations and achieve the outcomes required

    Review the specific situations that they find most challenging and have developed strategies for dealing with these. 

    Dates: TBC

    Managing your Team

    Course Aims: To provide delegates with the essential skills to lead, organise and motivate to obtain the best performance from a team by gaining maximum effort, commitment, and co-operation from team members in the achievement of objectives

    Course Objectives:

      • Identify the skills and characteristics of successful team leaders
      • Understand the different leadership styles and strategies for team development
      • Understand how to develop your teams’ strengths
      • Manage different personalities and encourage mutual respect for harmonious team working
      • Manage team meetings and briefings and delegate duties effectively
      • Resolve conflict and deal with difficult circumstances positively and confidently
      • Maintain on-going continuous development of the team.

    Dates: TBC

    Time: 09:30 -16:30 

    Please email   if you would like attend any of the courses


    Preparing for Management

    This course is aimed at helping you move into a managerial role. 

    By the end of this workshop delegates will be able to:

    •    Understand what management means
    •    Identify the role and key responsibilities of a Manager
    •    Describe what good management looks like and the skills, behaviours, mindset and beliefs that an effective staff and work manager needs to demonstrate to maximise theirs and others’ potential

    Dates: TBC

    Performing at Interview

    Performing at Interview

    • Course Overview
      • To enable participants to reflect objectively on past performance at interview and implement changes where required.
    • Learning Outcomes
      • Describe the three main types of interview used by organisations
      • List the preparation tasks that need to be considered before being interviewed
      • Create answers and examples in a structured format
      • Manage thoughts and body language to minimise the effect of any nerves
      • Identify individual ‘next steps’ for performing more effectively at interview

    Date: TBC

    Time: 9:30am - 12pm

    Personal Impact & Effectiveness

    Course Aims:

    To develop confidence and conviction when dealing with others at work

    Course Objectives:

      • Describe and demonstrate how to create impact and build confidence
      • Explain the importance of self-awareness in managing your personal impact
      • Audit your current impact on others
      • Demonstrate an ability to communicate appropriately with others, including senior managers
      • Identify what others may want and expect from them
      • Explain the importance of taking responsibility
      • Describe the key benefits of networking and build a networking plan
      • Explain the importance of personal organisation, prioritisation, and time management

    Dates: TBC

    Please email   if you would like attend any of the courses

    Time: 09:30 - 16:30

    Project Management

    Course Aims: To equip participants with the necessary skills and knowledge to manage projects at Aberystwyth University.

    Course Objectives:

    • Understand the skills and competencies required to lead a project
    • Understand the Project Management Cycle and associated documentation adopted by AU: Qualification, Commitment, Delivery, Review
    • Understand the importance of identifying stakeholders and tailoring communications to suit the audience
    • Recognise, document and effectively manage risks within all types of project work
    • Structure how to schedule activities, monitor and report progress during a project
    • Know how to close a project, reviewing success against plans, budgets and benefits
    • Using a real life scenario, you will work in groups to work through the project management cycle and undertake the following exercises:
      • Develop a Project Approval Form
      • Project kick off meeting
      • Draft a communications plan, risk register, project plan and weekly progress report
      • Undertake a lessons learned review

    Date: TBC

    Time: 09:30 - 13:00

    Time, Resource and Priority Management

    • Course Overview 
      • To enable delegates to consider where their time goes and how effectively it is used. To improve their time management skills, prioritise their workload and maximise the resources available to them.


    • Learning Outcomes
      • Identify the key principles behind respecting own and others’ time
      • Use tools and techniques in order to use time effectively
      • Participate in activities to reinforce learning
      • Create an action plan for personal improvement in efficiency and effectiveness
      • Examine how resources available can help and hinder prioritisation and look at overcoming them
      • Examine how to manage time and other resources assertively

    Dates: TBC