Mrs Kayrene James

Clinical Skills & Simulation Technician
Contact Details
- Email:
- Phone: +44 (0) 1970 621545
Kayrene is the Clinical Skills and simulations Technician at the Healthcare Education Centre.
Prior to joining the team at Aberystwyth university, she worked as an Emergency Medical Technician for the Welsh Ambulance Service based at Aberystwyth Ambulance station.
Kayrene has always been keen in mentoring others which was an important part of her role in previous employment as a Best Practice Manager for Boots at their head office in Nottingham.
Kayrene is a member of the Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development.
- NU20120 - Introduction to Field Specific Nursing - Adult
- NU20320 - Complex Field Specific Nursing (Adult)
- NU20420 - Complex Field Specific Nursing (Mental Health)
- NU20220 - Introduction to Field Specific Nursing (Mental Health)
- NU10220 - Developing Professional Practice
- NU30220 - Innovating Practice
- NU10120 - Introduction to Professional Practice
- NU10520 - Developing Nursing Practice
- NU10960 - Demonstrating Nursing Practice (Part B)
- NU10020 - Introduction to Nursing Practice
- NU10720 - Developing knowledge of the human body
- NU30620 - Compassionate Leadership and Management
- NU33860 - Leading Professional Practice (Part B3)
- NY33860 - Arwain Ymarfer Proffesiynol (Rhan B3)