Mrs Elizabeth Wile Registered General Nurse (Adult), Dip Comm. Health Studies (SCPHN) - Health Visitor, BSc (Hons) Nursing Studies, Registered Nurse Prescriber

Mrs Elizabeth Wile

Community Lecturer in Healthcare Education

Healthcare Education Centre

Contact Details


Betty (Elizabeth) has joined Aberystwyth University as a part-time Community Lecturer in Healthcare Education 

Betty has a dual registration with the Nursing and Midwifery Council NMC, as a Registered Nurse and a Specialist Community Public Health Nurse (SCPHN). Is also a Registered Nurse Prescriber. 

Betty has worked in healthcare for the past 40 years, working in varying settings and teams including NHS hospitals, Agency working in London, Private residential care home for the older adults, Health visiting, working in Flying Start areas as a Health Visitor, within Ceredigion County Council and Social Services, was a Covid Vaccinator (Bank) and her last role was working as a Specialist Health Visitor / Key Worker within the Children's Health Disability Team, working across all of Ceredigion 

Additional Information

Betty was born in Aberystwyth and lived in Ceredigion throughout her childhood until she moved to South Wales to commence her nurse training. 

Betty's first language is Welsh and therefore will be able to support the students both academically and clinically through the medium of both Welsh and English. 

Betty is currently undertaking her PGCTHE course at Aberystwyth University to support her in her role as a Community Lecturer and has recently achieved the status of Associate Fellow (AFHEA).

Betty recently presented at the Rural Health and Care Wales Conference 2024 on ‘New learning opportunities/placements for student nurses working within general practice settings in Rural Wales’. 


Module Coordinator

Betty will be teaching across all the modules on the BSc Nursing Programmes for both Adult and Mental Health nursing, as well as on the level 4 Certificate in healthcare education programme and return to practice programme. 

Betty has experience and a specific interest in Community / Public Health Nursing and also in children and young people with additional learning needs and disabilities, with a particular passion for holistic, person-centred care and prevention working. Areas that Betty is passionate about and has supported colleagues and families, other disciplines and agencies, and also taught on include ‘bladder and bowel issues in children’, behaviour management, ADHD and autism, and developmental assessments. 


Betty's responsibilities include:

Personal Tutor / Academic Assessor

Community Link Lecturer

Module coordinator 

Deputy Scheme Coordinator for the Level 4 Certificate in Healthcare Education 

Educational link tutor for Primary Care placements

Senior tutor role - a higher level of pastoral care if a student applies for extenuating / exceptional circumstances. 


In addition, Betty will lead the Healthcare Education Centre in the following areas: 

Welsh language 

Learning @ Wales (online courses for student nurses) 

Interprofessional education  (IPE)


Office Hours (Student Contact Times)

  • Monday 08:30-17:00
  • Tuesday 08:30-17:00
  • Wednesday 08:30-17:00